Mercredi, 17 juin 2009 @ 13:20
When we got back to his hotel room, the romance fairy had been at work: candles, a filled tub, champagne. I instantly forgot my clock-watching, stripping off to slide into the steaming bath. We sat there sipping the bubbly at opposite ends, our legs brushing and stroking against each other in the warm depths. I playfully curled my toes around his cock and balls occasionally, blowing him kisses across the soapy divide.
“When do you need to go?” he asked suddenly.
“I dunno. I can’t see a clock from here. An hour or so maybe?”
He sighed a resigned sigh. We smiled weakly at one another.
“Well I’m guessing you’ll have engineering a trip to London soon, though, huh?”
He nodded insincerely, putting his glass down and climbing out of the tub. He splashed into the bedroom and called back the time to me before returning to our steamy enclosure.
I took a breath and slid down under the water, popping back up again almost instantly and slicking my hair back against my head. That felt better, what with the rising temperature. 
Tous les participants ont 18 ans ou plus.