There are several reasons why we joined but will talk about two reasons.
First off we love showing off and having people see our sexual photos. More than showing them off we love to read all the comments. Its like waiting for Christmas to come to see all the presents. The excitement we feel turning on the computer and loading our profile to see if there are any comments left on our photos. Then when we see there are new comments posted we get all turned on waiting to see what was written. We just love the anticipation and satisfactions that cum with reading all the comments.
The other thing that brings us here is to look around and see if there is anyone we can make a connection with. We are actually looking to find the right one to join us in fulfilling our sexual desires together. One day we hope to meet just the right one and wow will it be amazing. If your wondering what we are looking for??? First off no single guys at all!! Not at this time maybe later down the road but for now we are looking for a bisexual girl to join us or is we meet just the right couple. The next thing she must be under 30 and if we meet the fight couple near the same age but nothing over 35. More to come with our desires,