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akira666 said:
hi there,my words off my life,sex wot the fuck is it u tell me how come we cheat,lie,betry any 1 in our lives 2 have sex,when u find a good woman or man thats it u shoud just have sex with that 1love in your life,but we dont we fuck around and just fuck it all up.there no harm in just looking at a gal or a lad,but we want more than that we dont want 2 look we want 2 stick our dick in it or get your pussy fuck,if u r not happy stop singel and u can fuck any 1 u want.but me iam happy wot i got and its the best sex i ever if u think u r not happy with your sex life with your boy/girl friend just go its better 2 go then stay and just fuck it all up with a fuck.GET BACK 2 ME IF U FEEL LIKE THIS I TRY AND HELP.thank u for your time
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