I left my house today for a short get away. I couldn't stand being cooped up anymore. So I thought I would go out to a nice little coffee shop, not far from my home. It's a quiet little place not very busy. It's a good place to sip a coffee, read the paper, and relax. So I'm sitting at a little table in the corner all by my lonesome. And I just couldn't concentrate on anything in the paper. Everytime I started to read an article, my mind drifted. I looked to the counter and saw a guy, probably in his fifties. Not handsome but not ugly. You know the type. But I started thinking, maybe he would come over and sit with me. What if he did? Would I really have sex with this guy? Then I start feeling that warm feeling. My breasts start itching for someone to touch them. I need to be touched. So I watch him go sit down across the room. I guess he didn't notice me. And I guess he couldn't see my urgent need to be groped in a public place. So I guess I'm going to have to take matter into my own hands. So I slide my hand down my to run my fingers through my lips. Finding my silky little panties are already soaking wet. The first touch on my clit makes my body jump. It's already awaiting my fingers. Each stroke across my clit makes my pussy leak more and more. If only I had a nice hard cock in my mouth. My nipples are so hard I'm afraid they may break through my blouse. As I'm about to reach my climax I have to remember. NO SCREAMING. And it hits me like a wave crashing on my back. I look around the room. And who would be looking? My gentleman friend, and with a smile and a nod he takes a sip of his coffee. I hope the coffee is as good as the show.
Hello everyone, My hubby and I figured we should probably tell everyone alittle about ourselves and our history. We've been married now for several years, and are more in love today than when we first married. We enjoy a terrific relationship together. We have lots of fun photographing ourselves. We love to be adventurous, in nature, public or just having fun around the house. The hubby is the manager at a local business and I have the great pleasure of working from home. So I get to be naughty at home, when he's at work. I also like to host adult novalty parties. I love my toys and my husband is always telling my I'm not like most women. Most women collect shoes. I collect my toys. LOL Well for me I just can't help myself. I like to just crawl in my cozy bed and daydream about another man or woman and feel my body all over touching and squeezing. Sliding a toy between my lips or using a vibe on my clit until I gush all over my sheets. Oh my I'm starting to get hot just thinking about it.
Well we are active swingers in a wonderful little circle of friends. My hubby actually got me started in to swinging. The first time I really didn't want to do it and it took alot of convincing. I finally gave in and told him, I'd try it one time and if I didn't like it he had to leave me alone about it. Well the first time was alittle strange, probably because I was so nervous. But I can't say I hated it. So I gave it another shot with the hubby and another girl. I have to admit, it was alot more enjoyable than the first time. So we actually started going to larger parties. We went to one party with alot of black men, and these guys didn't know when to quit. It was alittle bit too much for me. So no more big parties. We have done several parties now with 2 or 3 other people and it's so much more enjoyable. There's nothing better than having my pussy eaten out while sucking a cock. Or getting one in my ass and one in my pussy. I've even found a new love of having my pussy stretched and stuffed with a big toy or fist. If you want to find extacy in an orgasm that's where I found it.
I also find it very erotic to flash. I don't know why, it just makes me so horny. I love going to a store or restaurant and showing my pussy, ass or whatever I can get out in time for a pic. I've even rubbed my pussy to orgasm in public places. Talk about a rush.
phoebej39740 said:
Watch videos with hot girls 18+: fantazm%2eonline#iowacpl
phoebej39740 said:
Look at me now here: date4fuq.com?idiowacpl
crmale4u said:
sure would love to see you in action
gdaddy06 said:
i grew up in iowa but moved across the border to minnesota...maybe i could make a trip down, what town are you in
drummingdan97 said:
what part of iowa i grow up in iowa near the ia/il boarder
miamullig said:
I love you!!! Kisses Maria
desdays said:
When you shove those big, fat hard things deep in you -- you look so good! ;) Do your nipples get hard? How hard? Can we see them? xx
myphuckstick said:
Thanks for sharing your awesome pics. If you and hubby are ever in the mood for a threesome, I'd try very hard to make myself available. Sorry to say my wife did not like swinging, but I was thrilled with it. I am from central iowa. Any way thanks for the rise you gave me. BTW, do you plan to post any videos?
okhockey23 said:
Greetings from the midwest! Love your open attitude about love, sex, life. I only wish my wife shared your views, but maybe in time she will. Love to chat sometime - okhockey23@yahoo.com. Take care! I enjoyed your photo sets. thx!
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