hi love the videos how about some more if you have the inclination!
just4me3226 said:
Hi you two are hot great vid clips. Shame you are not in Australia
guru30 said:
hi, you sooo hot im cumming everytime lots off when i watching your video take a look i maked a video about it http://www.yuvutu.com/modules.php?name=Video&op=view&video_id= 224790 wanna caming together ?
kisses mario
hachotio said:
add me, hachotio2@hotmail.com, super-spanish boy
mcnab69 said:
hey how r u, u wna av ne fun with me n my gf x jsut let me no yeh xi hav two vids up 4 u to c if ur interestd
polaris_50 said:
Always checking to see if there are more terrific videos like the others.
jamster said:
do u an email? get in touch jammedhype@hotmail.co.uk
meatn2veg said:
great vid more please steve manchester
randydave10 said:
hi,,,,may i be added to yr list,,,im in london,,,love the video
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