I am besotted with this sexy, voluptuous maganda Pinay. I'm a European married to a Filipina and living in Alabang. It'd be great to contact you and meet up. We could go to Subic, Boracay or Puert Galera for a weekend with you both. Or Bangkok for a few days. Wherever you like! My email is hamjai7@yahoo.co.uk and I'd luv to hear from you!
hamjai said:
I am besotted with this sexy, voluptuous maganda Pinay. I'm a European married to a Filipina and living in Alabang. I'd luv to meet you. Go to Subic for a weekend with you both. My email is hamjia7@yahoo.co.uk and it's be great to contact you.
voyeurcplsrus said:
we r a cpl m 54 f 50 looking 2 find cpls that love 2
show their love on cam we have jmeeting,yahoo,paltalk &
eyeball. if anybody knows of any other programs that we
can use , 2 c u, please let us know.
we just love 2 watch cpls on cam , lol
voyeurcplsrus @hotmail.com
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