I'm feeling tons better, swelling for the most part is gone, gaining some strength back. Still have a little calf swelling and pain. Ankles and Knees still hurt a lot more so in the evening. I made a mistake at work and tried to lift something I shouldn't have before I was good and better and paying for it. Wheither it's getting meat back in my diet I'm not sure, I have gained back a lot of weight. I was 118 pounds at the doctor 2 weeks ago, and I'm up to 127 pounds now. Completely broke though, and I seem to be hungry all the time, I can eat like 5 times a day now, I'll eat half a pizza for breakfast and half a pizza for lunch and still come home and eat steaks, full salads, entire platters of fruit like I'm a black hole. Not that I drank a lot of cokes before I've cut back even more and replaced with water, drinking about 1 to 2 liters of water a day plus various fruit juices. So all and all better, but not good yet, still heading to bed early for the most part and sleeping a lot to try and rest my body as much as possible.