We'd been to a good sized biker party at Ron & Becky's place, around 30-40 people who all like a good time. Good food we all helped cooking over 2 1/2 days and lots of good music and night time fun as well. Not everyone there is into being naked with others around; but enough were that there were always someone around without a stitch on. R & B's place is 80ac in the country surrounded by trees with out a neighbor in site. We don't always get naked at party's like this but it had been a while since we had a chance to enjoy it. Don't get me wrong we're naked all the time around our place, just don't do the 'nudist lifestyle' like resorts or clubs. Time went quickly and soon it was Sunday morning. Ones who had traveled the farhest were up at the crack of noon and paked their gear and loaded the bikes to ride home, hugs alll around and everyone got home safe. The stragglers turned out to be my Ol, Marie & me; Mike (aka Naked Man, because if you see him in clothes you must be at wallyworld); Ron & Becky. Bill and Cathy were the last to roll out.
The five of us were sitting around just as God made us just bullshitting and telling stories. Ron asked Mike about the chubby redhead he'd seen him with a few rallies back. Turns out that's what got us all going. Seems Mike met Red (he says he never got her name but he will next time) had never been to a rally and that her son talked her into going because she'd just gotten divorced. Mike always draws attention at rallies, it helps he's all tanned and pretty well built with working man's muscles, not the ones you get in the gym. He said she walked up to him as the bans started on stage and asked if she could feel his cock...she said it had been years since she felt a good one. Now some of that may have been the alcohol talking on her part; but Mike's always polite and told her he'd be glad to help a lady out. Soon she was stroking him into what he called 'as good as it gets, all 6 1/2 of it'. She was, he said, very good at it and she did seem to really be enjoying herself.
By this time we'd all opened up a fresh beer and Mike continued his account. Of course Ron and I were more than half hard oursleves and wanted to hear more details. I could also tell Marie was getting hot from this tale, too. It was somewhat similar to what we'd done at a rally a few years ago (but that's anoher story). Her nipples were rock hard on her 44d's and she was squirming on seat at a picnic table, my seat on the table top maybe it an easy reach for her. Becky gave Ron's dick a quick squuze and turned to sit on his lap facing Mike to hear more. Marie started stroking mine openly as Mike went on. He recounted how she kept him between rock hard ad the pomt of no return for most of the evening while the bands were on stage. He said her control was amazing, anytime he'd almost cum, she'd slow down or change hands or just leave him swinging in the air. Ron readjusted Becky on his lap and Marie and I could see his cock buried in her to the hilt. She rocked slowly obviously knowing the right pace as on;y being familiar with each other can do. I motioned to her to stand and sat astride the bench and slipped into her soaked pussy. Mike went on in detail, explaining that after a short pause to let him lose some of his erection she asked if she was doing a good job. He laughed even telling us about that, but said he reassured her she was doing a great job. When the band started again she asked Mike if he'd like a little sometime beside her hands. Obviously she must know that bikers screw and get blowjobs, too. He told her yes, anything else she wanted he'd be glad to have. Mike was enjoying either his retelling or the view of Becky riding Ron and Marie on me because his cock was standing straight out and the head was shining from his precum.

Tous les participants ont 18 ans ou plus.