As mentioned in my previous posts, my foot fetish never crystallised as such until around the age of 15/16, which is about the time that the effects of puberty were taking effect. I still remember my first wank, lying on my front and bringing myself off – it’s still a technique I use today. That’s when the buying of lads mags and tabloid newspapers began. I quickly realised that I had quite the appetite for this new activity. I haven’t bored of it yet.
I bought copies of loaded, FHM and Maxim, cutting out and keeping the images I liked, to form a physical ‘wank bank’. I remember sometimes having a hard time getting hold of the magazines as shopkeepers sometimes doubted their suitability for a young adult. It didn’t help that I looked younger than I was.
I was once denied the purchase of The Daily Sport. That was hard to stomach but it only happened once, and I avoided that particular shop thereafter. I used to buy my softcore porn after sports practice, and one evening after a flood I had to spend the night at a friend’s. Fortunately, nobody discovered the copy of Maxim in my bag, and I was relieved when I finally got home.
I used to very occasionally buy The Sun or The Daily Star, but the Sport was where it was for me. To be able to get your hands on around 10-15 pictures of topless women for about 35 pence was perfect. The amount of adverts for sex chat lines shocked me when I first bought the paper, and I have to admit, I did try a few of the cheap, non-premium rate lines that I was able to get through to on my pay-as-you-go mobile once I was old enough. I didn’t find the experience all that great, to be honest. Phone sex and talking dirty has never really been my thing, but there is no harm in trying new things.
From the pictures I saw and kept I built up a library of images, many of them of models such as Adele Stephens, Karen White, Kate Groombridge and many others showing off their bare feet or wearing high heels or fancy footwear. These gave me the inspiration to at times draw pictures of shoes and feet, almost as if I was designing my own. I would then imagine the feet of women I knew in those shoes...and more of that in my next post!