Mercredi, 17 juin 2009 @ 13:18
He (Roberto):
I glanced once again at my watch, and I saw that the timing of our return had been perfect. As we reached the elevators, she turned to me with a question in her eyes. “Come up to my room,” I said simply. She nodded sweetly and said, “I’m all yours!” And when I punched the button and the doors of the elevator closed, she reached up to pull my head down to hers, her lips searching hungrily for mine.
As I opened the door to my room, I could tell that the maid had done exactly as I had requested just before I left. The bathroom had a large tub with whirlpool jets – not quite a Jacuzzi, but perfect for relaxation. I had asked housekeeping to let themselves in at a certain hour and fill the tub with hot water. I saw that they had gone one better – the tub was filled with scented soap bubbles, with two candles lit in one corner and a freshly-opened bottle of champagne with two fluted glasses in another corner.
She was behind me as I pulled her inside the door and into the bathroom, so she didn’t see the tub until she stepped inside and I pulled her around me from behind. When she saw the bath, her hand flew up to her mouth as her eyes went wide. Then she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply.
I had the presence of mind to reach around her and unzip her dress. She stepped back from me with her eyes twinkling above a sexy smile, and shrugged her beautiful shoulders, letting her dress drop to pool around her ankles.
“You’re overdressed!” she giggled, as she stepped backwards into the tub and sank slowly into the welcoming bubbles. I sat down on the commode to pull off my shoes and socks, and then stood to pull off my shirt and pants. No matter how much I practised, I don’t think I could ever get the hang of effortlessly removing my clothes. As I stripped off my boxer briefs, I looked over to see her still smiling at me, her head bobbing just above the surface. She reached up with one arm to take my hand and lead me down into the fragrant bubbles.
We leaned back at opposites ends of the tub, our legs silkily and deliciously entwined together. She handed me one of the two champagne glasses that she had poured while I was ridding myself of my clothing. We each leaned back, luxuriating in the warm water, sipping the sweet bubbly wine and letting out an “aaaah” of satisfaction. It was as close to heaven on earth as I had ever experienced. 
Tous les participants ont 18 ans ou plus.