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Posté par: hairydaddy1958 le 2008-07-28 12:25:37
Paula ! Get your things and run !! I am only an man and I just saw a sweet and juicey pussy that I would eat and lick and then its all gone !! It would not be a pretty site to see me eat a good pussy to death ! But I know you may need it so I will be strong !! Have a great day and you better be smiling and maybe thinking ?
Posté par: Anonyme le 2008-08-12 17:14:16
hey paula your looking fine..... email me and mybe we can chat and more. Sean from Kent
Posté par: thomash le 2008-09-17 21:45:23
very nice pussy
Posté par: koobbook le 2008-10-03 18:45:06
what a tasty pussy to lick it
Posté par: hairydaddy1958 le 2010-05-05 15:02:58
I hope you are Well ! I was looking at your picture That makes my mouth water and was thinking about ? I would still eat you up !! I was really weak again and noticed a couple other guy's said about the same thing to you !! Thank you !! I felt weak. One last thing ? They mentioned How nice your pussy looked . And they are right ! One fine looking pussy. But I like the whole package. Pretty face and skin . O K. Next time I see your picture I wi8ll be able to smile and not leave this type message . Lol. I hope you know I*'m kidding but you make me weak . Bye. Steve.
Posté par: coraf27628 le 2019-03-20 07:07:50
Here she is: