merryjerrry blogs

Isn't it great?

Yuvutu as a proof that your neighbours are just as interested by sex as you are...

You know this: you think about sex all day, masturbate a few times to decrease the pressure, have a regular partner and a few extras and you fear that you are not normal. You feel like a slut. Yet, you feel that something cannot be right, you deserve as much respect as anyone, you did nothing wrong, your partners were consenting and actually enjoyed the act.

Of course you know about pornography, but it looks so fake: just people payed to act as if they were having fun.

Then you discover yuvutu and you realise that there are millions of people like you...

Thank you, all of you, and have lots of fun.

  •  merryjerrry
  • Centres d'intérêts:
  • Sexe
  • Mâle
  • Occupation:
  • Date de naisance:
  • Juillet 1963
  • Groupe ethnique:
  • Blanc
  • Statut matrimoniale:
  • Couple coquin
  • Sexualité:
  • Fumer:
  • Taille:
  • 177 cm 5 ft 10 in
  • Silhouette:
  • Mince
  • Attributs sexuels:
  • Gros
  • Education:
  • Doctorat
  • Nationalité:
  • Pays de résidence:
  • Allemagne
  • Etat, province ou départment:
  • 02
  • Ville:
  • munchen
  • Date validée:
  • 2010-10-31
  • Dernière visite:
  • Vous devez être inscrit pour consulter cette information.
  • Dispo pour rencontres:
  • Oui
 - Fractionned orgasm
  •   6K
  •  01/11/10
  •  93%
Séries de Photos
  •   328
  •  01/11/10
  •  0%