vegasmale30 blogs


 About me 

My name is Kristian Troy - Silk and Satin Fetish -Model - Producer - Performer - Enjoyer!
and I am what you would call a silk and satin fetishist. I am extremely aroused at just the thought of women wearing silk and satin blouses. There is nothing more sexy then a woman who dresses professionally.
I also have a satin robe and lingerie 
I love being a sexy mother- F’r I wear satin dress shirts with my suits on the regular 
Gorgeous blue, red, Silver , Black and Gold
I am direct with my lady friends about my extreme satin fetish and what all of our encounters are going to consist of.
My current sexy Satin fetish Queen and Ihave a large wardrobe of women's shiny satin blouses, all colors and sizes and I have a variety of sexy satin robes in different colors and sizes. 
They also know that every part of our session will be videoed but assured it will not be publicized on social media or anywhere it might be seen by anyone relevant, and then it begin

so Ladies AND gents 
private message me about purchasing Content is beyond satisfying for me as far as being able to actually live in that world.,play out my Satin fetish fuck fantasies to the extreme and I even get to share the experience with others through my videos!

Follow me- Subscribe - PM me / Step into my Satin Fetish Kingdom !

-Kristian Troy - The Satin Fetish King
Satin Fetish confessions
I'll make it short if I can. First off i'm really glad I started this blog and this goes out to all satin fetishists because I know you all understand.
We are all the same, I might be a Heterosexual , but whether you're Hetro, gay, bi-sexual or transgender it doesn't matter because we share this same glorious fetish of silk and satin clothing.
I am a satin blouse and satin robe lover but I also love wearing satin boxers and I wear shiny satin shirts with my suits... For business AND pleasure.
When I see a pretty woman wearing a solid color shiny satin long sleeve blouse ( career blouse) , short skirt and heels I am instantly hard. If I am in a bar and meet a woman who isn't even very attractive but is wearing a shiny satin blouse, I am instantly drawn to her and I can't help it.
I know so many of you can relate and have similar experience if not identical
But that's not why I started this topic
My lifestyle, business dealings and financial situation allow me to do something that I use to fantasize about as young man. My first real incident where I couldn't help myself because of my sexual obsession with silk and satin blouses and womens sexy robes was as 13 years old.
I went to a department store with my family, they walked around shopping and I wandered into the womens lingerie section. There I saw a Black , shiny sexy polyester women's robe and I couldn't help myself so after walking by it a few times I shop lifted it.
Long story short I hid it under my mattress and would take it out , put it on , masturbate and..... ok so you get the picture.
Point is, Since I've been attracted to women or aware of sex period... It's been about silk and satin. Every Fantasy , every day dream scenario, every time I had to jerk off watching TV because some local news channel anchor woman was wearing a shiny blue satin blouse. 
Many different girlfriends over the years, some have played in my fetish but it's not the same as living the real fantasy I do now.My situation is unique, Being 35, attractive, successful in business, financially well off and in a position of power since I run my own companies , I've been blessed to not only have lady's approach me BUT also be able to maintain mutually beneficial arrangements where both of our needs are met.
I am direct with my lady friends about my extreme satin fetish and what all of our encounters are going to consist of. I have a large wardrobe of women's shiny satin blouses, all colors and sizes and I have a variety of sexy satin robes in different colors and sizes. 
They also know that every part of our session will be videoed but assured it will not be publicized on social media or anywhere it might be seen by anyone relevant, and then it begins. 
The experience is so unbelievably amazing that nothing else could ever compare.... until I had an idea ;-)
I love sharing my videos and photos and stories with all of you and when you tell me how you got off after watching my videos or viewing my pictures, it makes me really happy. I share my satin fetish real life fantasies with all of you because it allows me be the real me with people that understand me.
I want to take this to the next level, How would all of you satin fetish lovers like to Not only view a LIVE Satin fetish session with myself and my ladies via skype BUT also get to direct the action in real time?
Your fantasies come alive the way you see it
Choose the satin clothing, choose the words, the positions, Anything you want!
Want the satin blouse, or panties, lingerie that was used in the session?  You can buy it and i'll ship it out!
Capture the highlights of each session in real time and keep it for your collection!
It's good to be the king

It's been a couple of years since I started adding new content to my profile here and all I can say it's good to be back!  My favorite part about using this community is I get to share all of my satin suck and fuck sessions with other satin fetishist's and satin lovers.

Since being back I've lined up a couple new sexy ladies who will be featured in my role play fantasies. Sure being a businessman has it's perks but I don't even let a new lady put my cock in her mouth unless she knows the rules. She's gonna be on camera and she's going to wear lovely satin blouses and robes and she's gonna love it. I invite all of you to not only follow my adventures but feel free to message me, email me or even skype me at " satinfetishking35"

starting this month i'm going to be inviting my satin fetish fans and friends to watch me live on skype with one of my many lucious ladies. If you're lucky i'll even share a private video with you as well

that's enough for now

see you soon

Satin Fetish King

  •  vegasmale30
  • Centres d'intérêts:
  • Silk and Satin Sexual Fetishism
  • Sexe
  • Mâle
  • Occupation:
  • Adult Model - Performer - Producer
  • Date de naisance:
  • Octobre 1981
  • Groupe ethnique:
  • Blanc
  • Statut matrimoniale:
  • Libre et seul
  • Sexualité:
  • Hétéro
  • Fumer:
  • Ocasionellement
  • Taille:
  • 180 cm 5 ft 11 in
  • Silhouette:
  • Normale
  • Attributs sexuels:
  • Moyen(e)
  • Education:
  • Diplome
  • Nationalité:
  • Etats-Unis
  • Pays de résidence:
  • Etats-Unis
  • Etat, province ou départment:
  • NY
  • Ville:
  • brooklyn
  • Date validée:
  • 2012-09-12
  • Dernière visite:
  • Vous devez être inscrit pour consulter cette information.
  • Dispo pour rencontres:
  • Oui
Séries de Photos
  • meyon
  •   Etats-Unis
      37 and
  • hbcn23
  •   Espagne
      38 and
  • macmanuk
  •   Royaume-Uni
      43 and