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What exactly do nipple clamps do?

 What exactly do nipple clamps do?
There are a lot of reasons people might use nipple clamps, explains Taylor Sparks, founder of Organic Loven. Some people like the feeling of wearing clamps, some like the feeling of taking them off, and some like the look of the clamps or the act of using them on a partner.Ummm, do they hurt?
Before you panic about the pain, the feeling of wearing clamps isn't one-size-fits-all. In general, clamps attach directly to the nipple and increase sensation by convincing out the blood flow from the nipple, similar to the feeling of being pinched, explains Carmel Jones, a sex and relationships expert and founder of The Big Fling. The resulting feeling from the pinch feels dull—almost numb.

But! Depending on the type, you can experiment with the intensity of the clamp and the slack of the nipple chain, if there is one. Some people like more pain than others, which is why Dr. Grover always suggests newbies opt for adjustable clamps so they can slowly increase the intensity and be in charge of the sensation.

Regardless of what type of clamp you choose, Dr. Poppel says it's important to keep in mind a clamp that hurts before you orgasm might be extremely painful after you climax, so timing the removal is essential here. Additionally, Dr. Grover adds that nipple clamps can cause scarring if used too frequently or with extreme intensity, so again, go slow and make sure to give your nipples plenty of time to recover post play.

Is everyone using nipple clamps without me?
Maybe! Nipple clamps are, understandably, very popular in the BDSM and kink communities. Although the sensation of a nipple clamp might not be for everyone, Queen says it would feel "exciting and intense," rather than painful, for someone into BDSM.

But that doesn't mean their usage is limited just to the BDSM and kink communities. Jones advises people looking to try out clamps not to be misled into thinking that the toy is exclusively BDSM. "They're more widely used than you'd think," she says, and suggests doing more research with an open mind.Lovehoney sex toy educator Ashley Cobb says if you’re someone who likes a little pain with your pleasure (think spanking or hair-pulling), you might like clamps. And the really good news here is that nipple clamps are great for all bodies, all genders, and all lifestyles. Sadie Allison, PhD, author of Tickle Your Fancy–A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Self-Pleasure explains all nipples—no matter the gender—have the same amount of sensitive nerve endings.And uh, just a lil tip from Dr. Allison: “For some cis-men, nipple play is an extremely pleasurable and preferred type of stimulation. For others, they may have overlooked this erogenous zone altogether, so it’s worth an introduction.”

Ok, fine, how do you use nipple clamps?
Before you just grab some clips and put them on, Dr. Poppel says you’ll want to prep the area for action. “First, get the skin nice and warm. Long-lasting foreplay is essential to good nipple play, torture, or stimulation, she says. “Massage the breast tissue (including the nipples), then softly begin to squeeze, suck, and worship the nipples.”Dr. Poppel says once your partner is sufficiently aroused, have them take a breath and clip the clamp onto the nipple before asking them to exhale. It might take a few moments for the nipples to respond to the clamp, so continue stimulating the area during the build. And when your partner is either on the brink of climax or in the midst of an orgasm, that’s the time to remove the clamps, says Dr. Allison. Not only will the blood flow rush back into the nipples, but nipple play also releases a chemical in the brain called oxytocin (the same chemical released during orgasms), so they'll be in for a super-concentrated rush of sensation.As for how long to actually keep the nipple clamps on, it all depends on tightness. Jones says you can leave on looser clamps for as long as 30 minutes, and tighter ones for up to 10 to 15 minutes.Are there different types of nipple clamps?
As you’re searching for the perfect nipple clamps, you’ve probably noticed there are lots of different types out there. Before just selecting the prettiest pair, there are a few components you’ll want to pay attention to. Sparks says people with sensitive skin should consider nickel-free options to avoid a potential reaction to the metal. And since clamps covered with silicone tips are typically less painful than bare metal clamps, they’re a good choice for first-timers.

Dr. Poppel says you can also try clipping them on the penis, the inner thighs, and the sides of the torso, or opt for a weighted pair for some extra intense stimulation. Another fun option is to add ice or heat (like via hot wax) to the nipples once they’re clamped, suggests Sparks.


The best face fucking of my life last night

 I had the best face fucking of my life last night he used my mouth while I rode my wand . He would pull out and smack my face with his cock then slide it all the way down my throat i was gagging drooling until he finally pumped his cum in my mouth and I exploded on my wand

I love sex with my Wife

 5. Be confident.The sexiest thing is confidence. You are my wife. I will love you and I find you sexy no matter what, so be confident in yourself. Nothing turns me on more.
I want her to be more adventurous in the bedroom, to leave her inhibitions at the door. (These truth or dare sticks should help with being adventurous)
Be uninhibited. Don’t be embarrassed. Explore more. Relax!
Just be confident, and make an effort to be enticing.
Her confidence and desire for me is a huge turn on!
To me, the set up is the most important. Flirting on the phone, high heels, and the attitude is what makes it good. Anticipation is everything! I love seeing her confidence and desire for me.
4. It’s so much better when you enjoy it.Sex is better for me when I know she is enjoying it. It makes it so much better when both of us can have some fun!Sex is way more fun when we both enjoy it. I do not want to just be serviced because she thinks it’s a duty.
Be open to try new things. I like it when she can explain what she likes, and what feels good for her.
I want her to be just as into sex as I am. If it is all about “meeting my needs” then what’s the point?
It’s okay to relinquish control and just enjoy being pleasured.
Let yourself enjoy it.
I’d love it if she could be a little more sexually adventurous, and show how much she is enjoying it.
3. Stop obsessing about the way you look.
I wish my wife knew that her weight, her outfit, her hair, her nails are so irrelevant to me when we are being intimate. I am so in love with her. All I want is for her to want to be there with me.
I wish my wife KNEW that she is so much sexier and beautiful to me than she gives herself credit for. Even though I tell her, she still criticizes herself.
God didn’t put conditions on [the beauty of your body] like “at time of birth” or “before you had *****” — I see you as beautiful and sexy, so just stop trying to convince me otherwise. I don’t care about a bit of flabby-ness or some stretch marks; heck I wouldn’t even notice half of what you see if you didn’t insist on pointing it out to me.
I don’t care that she has gained some weight over the years. I still find her sexy and beautiful and love to be with her.
I can tell by her comments that she is concerned with how the rest of the world views her appearance. Maybe not a lot, but some. She is soooooo beautiful and attractive to me, though. Her sexiness is much more than her “curves and all her edges, all her perfect imperfections.” I love ALL of her. I wish my words alone were enough to convince her of her beauty and attractiveness.
I wish that she was more comfortable in her skin and unafraid to be sexier with me. I appreciate that she doesn’t dress in overtly sexual clothing when we go out and that she respects herself, but I just wish she would be unafraid to show a little skin (not just lingerie, but outerwear as well) when it is just the two of us.

2. It’s so much more than just physical.I wish she knew that sex improves intimacy and my connection to her. It helps me with having more positive thoughts about her each day.
Sex isn’t just sex to fill a biological need. I wish my wife knew how much I feel so much closer to her when we have sex. Sex provides a pillar of stability in our marriage that helps me feel like we are still in love. Sex is a major part of how I express my love for her.
Sex is my way to connect. She likes to talk. I like to touch.

1. Be spontaneous and initiate.I wish she would be more spontaneous, rather than just “scheduling it in.”
Keep it spontaneous and simple!
The sex in our relationship is good, but it’s somewhat monotonous. Bring in some changes. Have fun with it. Don’t just do the deed, Play! Surprise your babe with these spicy dice!
When my wife comes on to me, it makes me feel as though she is happy and fully in love with what she has.
I wish my wife would initiate sex more. It makes me feel like she really wants to be with me.
It is easier for me to make it more enjoyable for her if I can tell she’s excited or hopeful about having a good time.
Make an effort to show an interest and want sex once in a while. It makes a world of difference.
Don’t be afraid to initiate sex. I love to feel wanted and desired.
I wish my wife knew that I want her to be involved in developing our intimacy, and not just wait for me to start something or suggest something new.



MAR 26, 2021
Snowballing, as sexologist E. Michelle Thomas explains, is basically the act of swapping semen from one person's mouth to another, to the point where like a regular snowball, each swap between partners increases the size of the semen shot (or ball) when it mixes with extra saliva. Instead of rolling a growing ball of snow on the ground, you're passing a growing semen-saliva mixture.

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Porn star Kayden Kross previously explained that the term "snowballing" is often used interchangeably with "cum swapping." However, "snowballing" usually implies the involvement of the original person who ejaculated into their partner's mouth. The term "cum swapping" is more general and could apply to people sharing a semen-saliva mixture that neither of them originally ejaculated. So, as an example, if you swapped semen-saliva with the partner providing the semen, that's snowballing. Swapping the mixture with another person (like in a threesome capacity, where the ejaculator is not participating in the swap) would be called cum swapping.

The podcast host and sex columnist Dan Savage, referred to the mixture of fluids as "pud" in a column from 1999.

The New Partridge Dictionary of American Slang notes that the term is of US origin dating back to 1972, and was first used exclusively by gay men. In the Handbook of Psychology and Sexual Orientation, researchers found when studying gay men that: "Semen can carry symbolic meaning (and thus symbolic power) for some men, representing (1) successful completion of sexual behavior, and (2) sexual power, virility, strength, and masculinity.)"

Snowballing is a human thing, but certain animals also engage in a similar snowballing-like act. In Carmen Cusack's Animals, Deviance, and Sex, Cusack writes about how male cichlid fish must blow sperm into a female's mouth (where she will be holding her eggs in her mouth) in order to reproduce. However, Cusack explains that because the end goal for the fish is reproduction, it's not the same thing as snowballing, the human kink, which is "considered deviant in spite of insemination and conception."

Magenta, Purple, Pink, Violet, Rectangle, Maroon, Lavender,
How To:
Before Snowballing:

Before you even talk about snowballing, Thomas says you wanna make sure all consenting parties have been tested and cleared of any STIs before introducing snowballing, adding "It's all fun and games until it isn't," — when you're playing with bodily fluids like semen and saliva, safety is number one.

As for the mandatory consent convo, ensure your partner is open to the idea of this, Thomas says. "Some people are totally okay with providing the semen, but definitely don't want to be on the receiving end of their own," Thomas adds.

If you need a smooth way to introduce the topic to your partner in a low-stakes environment, Thomas recommends playing "Truth or Dare — No Consequences" which allows people to open up the convo about sexploration in a fun and daring way that also won't put anyone on the spot. To play, Thomas says the people participating in the game agree that "whatever is shared during the game cannot be used against one another later and nothing is off the table as it relates to [communicating] your wants and desires."

Once you're all onboard with the consent convo and are ready to actually snowball, you'll wanna make sure both of you drink lots of water, eliminate fish, alcohol, and smoking from your diet, Thomas adds. As a bonus, you can also increase your consumption of fruits, Thomas says. The idea here is to make the actual tasting experience of the semen as pleasant as possible — hydrating, eating a healthy diet, and cutting out smoking and alcohol will help with all this.

When Snowballing:

A nice way to lead into snowballing is to try giving your partner a blow job and having them finish in your mouth.

As a warm up to test the waters, you can start with just an open-mouthed kiss post blow job, and then work your way up to swapping so you don't have to go from 0–100 suddenly. Since half the material of snowballing is saliva anyways, you can do a dry-run sans semen if you want to be even more cautious at first.

If everyone is still on board, kiss your partner and try passing the semen back and forth in each of your mouths. See how big it can get, then spit or swallow the whole thing. Taster's choice!

Wonderfully sexy

 Sex In RV Parks
While it's nice to have amenities that an RV park space can provide, being in one can kill your privacy. Sites are often crammed together like sardines.

If you want to get dirty without others knowing, you have to keep it down.

Dildo collection
Is this enough for a week 'long' camping trip? (Heh)

The sound issue doesn't much matter if you are having campground sex in a trailer or if you're having motorhome sex. There's not much of a sound barrier either way, and the potential for rocking exists when you're RVing, no matter the type of RV you are 'doing it' in.

You can do it comfortably while camping with just a little planning and knowledge. Everywhere you RV on the road has the potential to be fun when getting frisky.

Then why not experiment?

For example, maybe you've never tried a sex swing. Why not try it in your RV if yours is big enough?

Get a door sex swing (I'd recommend reinforcing whatever you have for a door or doorway).

Woman dominating man on bed
You're either thinking: "HOT" Or, "WOAH, Camp Addict! You took it too far with this one!" (Too far? Then why are you still staring?)

Or get a swing stand that will fit in a large enough area of your RV that can break right down and go back into your basement when you're done.

You can try new outfits or bondage gear.

Get (or bring if you already have) a sex 'wedge'. (Look it up) Maybe your wedge can double as a doggie ramp for your pup to get up on your dinette bench. Cover it with a blanket so it's hidden in plain view!

Why not break out of your 'usual' box? There's no better place/time to get experimental if you haven't already than on a vacation/trip.

Other RV Park Camping Sex Tips:
'Sex'-Chocks: Get some X-chocks or another type of stabilizer for your RV to help reduce rocking.
Know Thy Neighbors: If they go out every day from 10-7, there's your best chance! (But people can always walk by, you may have neighbors on both sides, etc.)
Gotta Wear Shades: If your windows aren't tinted dark, keep those shades closed when you're getting after it.
Awning Oops: Don't leave your awning out, or it will accentuate your best moves, hee hee.
Kill The Squeaks: Before you arrive, 'rock' your camper. Have someone outside to listen for squeaks. Silence that squeak if you can find a way! If you have a big trailer, get someone to help. They don't have to know why you want to get rid of the squeak. Or, if you want them to join you in the bedroom, here's a nice way to segue the hint, heh.
Be The Naughty Couple In The Park: Guys, get your girl some remote-controlled panties. Stimulate her while she's least expecting it. Maybe while you're hanging out at the ice cream social evening gathering. (bzzz bzzzz bzzzzzzzzzz.)

Fantastic suck fuck story

 Every now and then it is just the missus and me. I love these times because this is when my wife is the most free to fuck, suck and let me do the things I love to do to her without any inhibitions. Don’t get me wrong, my bride loves sex too, but like any good mother, she is a little nervous about having passionate, wild sex with the *** in the house.

So I was so excited to see that we had scheduled five nights with just the two of us in our favorite place, Davis State park. This is a beautiful place in the Texas Mountains near Fort Davis. I had been gone for ten days on a very cool trip to Civil War battlefields while my girls had a camp of their own to attend. When I returned we had already scheduled a trip with friends and my daughter, and while I love those trips, I longed to fuck the hell out of my wife in the great outdoors. We left on a Monday at noon and my cock was already rock hard, it didn’t help that I was only able to fuck her once in the last week due to “family issues”.

So when we left I was excited to be hooking up the camper and excited to be hooking up with my hot wife later that afternoon. My wife recently lost forty pounds and looks incredible. I thought she looked great before, did I mention her tits were huge! But I am so proud of her for losing all that weight and I am even happier that her tits remained almost the same size, they are fucking awesome. Often I ask her to send me a picture of her tits, which she does and I love it! She always makes excuses, but comes through with a great photo, not just a simple picture, but one that is posed and gives me a woody every time.

So when I thought about the next few days with just my beautiful wife, I was excited, actually I had a hard on for much of our 180 miles to Fort Davis. We arrived around five and after setting up and getting settled it was about six in the evening. We had one beer and went on a walk where my wife teased the shit out of me along the way by pulling her shirt up, licking her lips seductively and grabbing my cock and once pulling her pants down only to narrowly escaped being seen by hikers coming up the other side of the trail. On the way back to camp she asked me if I was interested in licking her clit? YES!

She mentioned she might suck my cock if I did a good job on her clit. Now, I’m not bragging, but I can really lick pussy. I lick around her hole and between her asshole (which I adore) and her perfect pussy. After a while I stick my tongue in her slit and tease her swollen clit before sucking and licking it until she moves my head away. If I have time I will lick her asshole too. Sometimes her hips buck as I do and other times she seems to want my tongue on her clit, I always try to oblige, after all, a happy wife is a happy life!

She was teasing the hell out of me and I had to wait until after dinner to get my face wet. We ate and had beer and wine and retired early to the confines of the RV and I licked her until she came, twice. I sucked her nipples and licked her asshole and clit until she shuddered with delight and came. She didn’t even ask me as she rolled me on my back and proceeded to give me the most incredible blow job of my life. She licked the shaft from balls to tip and then slowly began sucking on my engorged member. She put her tongue between the slit on the tip of my cock, I thought I was going to cum then. She grabbed my balls and deep throated me and alternated with running her tongue through the slit in my penis and down the shaft. Finally she slowly stroked my cock with rhythmic movements of her mouth and I unleashed a torrent of cum in her mouth. To her credit, she swallowed it all eagerly. I lovingly rubbed her head as she helped me unleashed a month of frustration and desire. She looked up and smiled and asked if I wanted a kiss? I said sure, and she kissed me on the mouth with her tongue probing mine and seemingly asking for more. After a few minutes I ***** after a very long day of driving, setting up the RV and anticipating the moment I just experienced.

Morning Sex

 Morning Sex: How to Get It on in the A.M. and Why You Should

What’s the big deal?

There’s no denying that one of the best parts of waking up is downing that fresh cup of coffee. But you know what’s also a great way to start your day? Having morning sex.

That’s right — getting busy when you first wake up has all the benefits of drinking coffee and more. Morning sex helps ease you into your workday. It can boost your energy levels and relieve stress. Having an orgasm definitely improves your mood. And, best of all, you bond with your partner.

To be honest, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t incorporate morning sex into your daily schedule. Read on to learn why.

9 unbelievable benefits
Science agrees: Morning sex is where it’s at. That’s because…

1. Your body is primed and ready to go
Morning is the perfect time for sex because, quite frankly, your body’s ready for it. That’s because estrogen and testosterone levels are at their peak during this time. Why does that matter? Well, one 2013 study found that your libido is affected by your hormone levels —the higher they are, the friskier you feel.

2. He’ll last longer
Speaking of hormones: The more testosterone, the better the sex. High testosterone levels will boost your partner’s libido and improve sexual function, according to one 2007 studyTrusted Source. One older review published in 2000Trusted Source also found that higher testosterone levels can increase erection strength.

3. It releases the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin
Morning sex can bring you and your partner closer together. How so? Sex produces oxytocinTrusted Source, also known as the “cuddle hormone.” Oxytocin is the chemical in the brain that controls love and bonding. When it’s released during sex, you’ll feel more connected to your partner.

4. It’s a stress reliever
Want to get rid of stress? Then have morning sex. One 2010 study found that pleasurable activities can reduce your stress hormone levels. That means climaxing before you head to work can put you in a great mood for the rest of the day.

5. It releases endorphins
Morning sex produces endorphins, the magical pain-relieving chemicals in your body that help boost your mood. That’s why you usually feel happier after you’ve climaxed. So why not start your day with a chipper attitude?

6. It counts as a workout
Sure, having morning sex may not be the equivalent of running on a treadmill for an hour, but it’s still one hell of a workout. Sex burns about five calories per minute, according to research from the Harvard Medical *****. That’s the same as going for a walk. Wouldn’t you rather burn at least 75 calories with a morning quickie, though?

7. It’s good for your brain
Want to give your brain power a boost? Morning sex is the answer. Multiple studies show that getting busy releases a mix of neurotransmitters and hormonesTrusted Source — in particular, dopamine, the feel-good hormone — that can benefit brain health and cognition.

8. It boosts your immune system
Sure, vitamin C might do wonders for your immune system. But so does getting frisky in the morning. Researchers from one 2015 study discovered that sex can boost your immunity by triggering your body’s natural defenses against bacteria, viruses, and other germs.

9. It can help you look younger
Morning sex may be your very own fountain of youth. Some experts think that sex is the key to looking younger because it releases oxytocin, beta endorphins, and other anti-inflammatory molecules. BBC News reported that older research suggests having sex at least three times a week can make you look several years younger than people who have less sex. Orgasms can even benefit your skin in several ways!

  morning routine. If every day is a bit too adventurous, aim for three times a week.

How to make morning sex even hotter?

 How to make morning sex even hotter?

Morning sex is the best. Carol blows me at 9-9:30am a good hour and half before we fuck. Then we start fucking around 10:30. I usually suck her tits and finger fuck. She usually has her first orgasm standing using here wand while I suck her tits. Her second orgasm she sits on dick with wand ..that is our start point.. after a number of positions . I usually give her approx 12 orgasms before the money shot from behind.. Note dressing up an using a wand is the key..and a early blowjob..prevents cumming early

Tricks for you—from the experts, of course.

1. Don't just up and go at it.
Two words: mutual masturbation. Before you and your partner hop to sex, warm your bodies up a little by pleasuring each other with your fingers or tongues. This way, you can give a little extra attention to any erogenous zones your partner might be favoring that day, and you'll have a chance to get more excited (since women take a bit longer to get there).

If you're trying to gauge whether your partner is feeling morning sex, other than outright asking them, you can give them a little massage on the back, feet, or scalp, says Morse. This kind of touch will initiate that connection that you and your partner can then transition into sex.

2. Have a food party.
If you and your partner are newbies to sex in the morning, celebrate your first time with breakfast in bed, says Morse. Feeding each other will get you in the mood, and a few sips of coffee will give you the jolt you need to get frisky. If you're a more seasoned morning sexer, all good! Breakfast in bed is a great way to break up your day-to-day routine—and berries just taste better on your S.O.'s skin.

3. Experiment with positions.
If you're concerned about morning breath, says Morse, you might opt for positions that don't bring you and your partner face-to-face, such as The Flatiron. In this case, the person doing the penetrating gets on top for some shallow thrusting. (Or another simple fix: Stash a thing of breath-freshening strips next to the bed.)

Another move that won't take too much out of you—in fact, you might not have to adjust from your sleep positions at all—is Spooning or the Scoop Me Up, where you both lie on your sides, facing the same direction, while your partner enters you from behind.

4. Mix up your location.

12 Steamy Sex Positions Made For The Shower
If the bed simply isn't doing it for you this morning, change locations. Morse recommends the shower or the kitchen counter.

If you're going for the shower, grab silicone-based lube and give the Stand and Deliver position a try. Bending over makes the vaginal walls even tighter, which makes for a more snug fit as your partner enters you with their penis, dildo, or strap-on.
halloween sex

If the thought of the kitchen counter makes you hot, go for it. Before the space is taken over by plates and breakfast bowls, use the space for the Table Top position, which gives you face-to-face action while you play with levels. To do it, have your partner enter you while you lie your back on the table or counter.
halloween sex

5. Add a toy.
If you like to use a little vibrator like a bullet or lipstick vibe for sex, instead of stashing it away, leave it out on your nightstand or under your pillow. This way you can easy reach for it in the morning and get started while you wait for your partner to wake up. I mean, what an exciting alternative to their usual iPhone alarm...

6. Make a game out of it.
If you're "soooo not a morning person," constantly rushing around to get out of the house, or have kiddos to tiptoe around, here's your solution: Make morning sex a fun challenge.

Rachel Needle, PsyD, a psychologist and sex therapist in West Palm Beach, suggests getting your partner amped for a quickie, by whispering in their ear, “The ***** are eating breakfast; we have 10 minutes. Meet you in the bathroom.”

If you ever feel anxious about "wasting" time or stressed about your to-do list, remember this: It’s almost impossible to feel grouchier after sex. If you forget, just revert back to the first half of this article, mkay?


Let’s ask some doctors (and some guys who actually tried) how many times a man can ejaculate in a day

Most men (boys?) of a certain age have entered into the realm of multiple ejaculative experiences — likely of the masturbatory variety — in a 24-hour period. Maybe you were home sick one day from ***** and had the house to yourself. Or perhaps you and your significant other attempted a how-many-times-can-I-physically-cum-in-one-day-before-my-dick-falls-off marathon. My point is that most men are at least somewhat familiar with their ejaculatory ceiling, and we’ve all wondered this before: How many times can a man ejaculate in a day?

• Get a load of this: Is it “come” or “cum”? The debate is about more than just spelling.

“Most I’ve done is 5-6. When I was in my 20s. A long time ago, in a bed far far away…,” writes one redditor. Another added that he starts shooting dust after eight. “And that was me in my lonely prime,” he writes. “Maybe if you’re properly hydrated and take some zinc supplements you could break 10 or even 15, who knows...” Others remarked that it depends on their refractory period. “There’s one study on record of a man who had a prolactin deficiency and no refractory period,” one redditor wrote. “He masturbated and ejaculated six times in about 40 minutes, but he produced less fluid each time.” Apparently, this is common in rats — those bastards.

According to Jamin Brahmbhatt, a board-certified urologist, the male refractory period can last minutes to days. The recovery, he says, depends on age, how much arousal you get between sessions, hormones and your overall health. “After sex, your penis becomes flaccid from neural signals telling your body to relax, especially the organ that’s been doing most of the work (i.e., the penis),” he explains. “Dopamine and testosterone levels drop. Prolactin [which decreases the level of testosterone in men] rises, and this change in hormones seems to be the reason for the length of the refractory period” (though this is contested). He adds that studies have found that teenagers can take minutes to recover whereas men in their 30s or 40s could take 30 to 60 minutes or longer. “There’s no hard-and-fast rule on how quickly you will recover,” he says. (Women also have refractory periods, by the way — they’re just way shorter.)

But to the issue of how many times a guy can ejaculate in a day, assuming said guy is in the prime of his sexual prowess, it’s a lot. “Research has found that men aged 18 have a refractory period of around 15 minutes, whereas 70-somethings can take up to 20 hours. The average across all age groups is about 30 minutes,” per “So on average, if one has sex right after the refractory period is over, how many times can a guy come at most? That’s 24 x 2 = 48 times. But we all know this is a theoretical number because this is too physically demanding.”

• Aw, nuts. If you’re having trouble ejaculating, death grip might be the problem.

Brahmbhatt thinks the theoretical number is about half that. “I guess you could do it 24 times a day,” he says. “But no one can go that many times. Eventually it will become painful and provide no pleasure.”

To that end, Erik Wibowo, a lecturer at the University of Otago in New Zealand who wrote an article on multiple orgasms in men, tells me that it’s important to separate orgasm from ejaculation, because they are not the same process. “Some men are capable of having orgasms without having ejaculation, or vice versa,” he says. “Ejaculation involves the actual propulsion of semen, so it can be visually observed, though men with repeated ejaculations have diminished amount of ejaculates in the subsequent events. However, this isn’t the case for orgasms, i.e., some men can have non-ejaculatory orgasms.”

Wibowo’s research found that while most men claimed to have orgasmed between 2 to 9 times in a 24-hour period, the most was 16. Still, he admits that most of the research on multiple orgasms is anecdotal. “There’s minimal data with physiological assessments of orgasms,” he says. “This is partly because measuring an orgasm is challenging.”

Well, at least that’s something everyone can agree on.

fantastic suck fuck film...thank you

 I loved the feel of them as they grew larger. She had undone my trousers and was stroking my cock. She took my hand and put it between her legs. She was very wet as I felt her open her legs. She lay down on the bed and pulled me down on top of her. She reached down to my cock and eased it inside her. It slipped all the way in easily and soon we were frantically fucking. I was concerned that I would cum too soon but suddenly she started moaning and groaning as she climaxed. I followed her very quickly.

What are you doing?

 I asked in a giggle "What are you doing?" She didn't say anything and went straight for my zipper. Next thing I know my fully erect member was in her mouth while I was driving. On the freeway! Fearing a mishap I took the next exit and parked under a light post in a residential area.

Damn it felt good! I could feel her tongue licks. Her pouty lips against my hard-on. Nice suction. She let out these nice, soft moans as she did it.

It. Was. Sexy. But that wasn't the best part.

I wanted to see her as she was doing it but her nicely done jet-black hair was in the way. So I adjusted the rear-view mirror in a way where I can see her face while blowing me. It was . . .intense! I could see the expressions on her face. Her eyes halfway open as she bobbed up and down. She didn't know I can see her. I can see was that she was enjoying this as much as I was. I exploded.

All of it went into her mouth. I didn't see a drip come out. But she kept sucking and sucking til she drained me all out. Did she swallow it? She got up, opened the car door and spit it out onto the sidewalk.

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 He just smiled and told me not to worry that we were going for a drive. 21H we go down to the car park, I get in the car, it rolls about 1 hour then enters a wood, which seems odd to me is that he did not touch me once!
He stops the car headlights on, he asks me out of the car, I go to take my coat but told me that I do not need it because it's hot, it puts us in front of the car with always the lights on, he starts to take me in his arms, kiss me languidly, runs his hands under my micro skirt, lifts and caresses my buttocks, I was more than exited as soon as you touch my buttocks, then he told me to Oreil: I have a gift for your 19 years, you'll have to suck candles! And I begin to feel other hands on my buttocks and he backs down slightly, told me to kneel on the grass, I run and 8 men, around me, he told them: she you only suck and when you are ready to ejaculate you go out and you do it on his face.
That's how he made me suck his 8 men who all ejaculated on my face,
He took me home for me to take a shower and then it's him who made me love as ever,
The next day when he asks me if I appreciated I replied yes, because it is true that it was for me a great pleasure,

Riding cock, moaning an screaming wildly. Carol has pure pleasure, and squirts o

 "You're my whore, and you're going to fuck your ass hard with that bottle, while your worthless empty cunt drips down on it." I fucked myself harder, getting more and more horny from thinking about her. The phone moved fast and deep inside my wet pussy while I moaned loud and unrestrained, certain nobody could hear me. "Oh yes," Paola wrote. "My cunt is not worth getting fucked like this. I deserve to be taken only in the ass." I smiled, imagining her discover the pleasure and pain of anal penetration.

I felt myself getting closer, needing a little more to push me over the edge, so I began suckling on the marker while I wrote back: "Mmmh, you're an obedient little slut." She replied: "I want you to use me." I felt depraved and wicked, wanting to see how far this little bitch would go, so I wrote: "Then fuck yourself hard, and when you come, I want you to release your pee and juice on the floor, and lick it up." This seemed to give her what she needed, and the thought turned myself on so much that I quickly lodged the marker in my twitching ass while I fucked myself hard.

I came, gasping and jerking, groaning loud and then releasing a shrill scream as I pulled my hair. I fell back into my leather chair, sitting now in a puddle, just breathing deeply for a few moments, enjoying the moment as I let the feeling slowly subside. Another email had arrived in my inbox. It showed Paola, on all fours, licking at a wet puddle on the floor, her tits dangling down into it as she looks up at the camera. She looked happy and at peace, smiling with her tongue out, a pretty woman despite her age. "Thank you," she wrote. "That was just what I needed."

Suddenly I heard the phone click, and beep. Somebody on the other end had just hung up. I shrieked up and looked at the display. I must've accidentally redialed the last call with my foot, as it showed a conversation of 12 minutes had just ended. The number was that of our client, although she never said a word about it.

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 She started to stroke my cock and got me really hard, whilst I fingered her pussy, which was already sopping wet. After a few minutes I started to lick her pussy and suck on her magnificent pussy lips. We then swapped positions and I laid down. She gave me a wonderful blowjob, taking all 8 inches of my cock deep into her mouth. She would normally continue until I shot my load deep into her throat – she would swallow the whole lot. However, this day was to be different. She stopped just short of me cumming. She then climbed on top of me and started to kiss me. She then whispered in my ear that she wanted my spunk inside her pussy. This was an usual occurrence as I generally wore a condom (I can only remember going bareback with her on 2 previous occasions, both because the situation had overtaken us – but this time she wanted my cum in her).

She reached for my cock and guided it into her pussy. She then rode me for a few minutes and I couldn’t hold out and shot all my juices deep into her pussy (see my video). Unfortunately I forgot about filming the creampie, my cum oozing out of her, but you can see her lips glisten as she rolls off me and my cock slips from her pussy.

Carol and George Northern England Couple

Helena started fucking me and I began to moan in pleasure. Then she started roughly to ram her piece of rubber deep into my anus, as she whispered in my ear:
“Take that big cock, bitch; give up your ass like your sweet wife does…”

She then asked me: “What are you?... tell me”
I wanted this brutal fucking to stop so I replied what she wanted to hear:
“I am your bitch, now take me, please…”

Suddenly, she grabbed my cock and began stroking it. She made me come in few seconds, shooting my load on the bedroom floor.

Helena laughed at me and then she thrust the dildo all the way in my anus. After a few minutes her body tensed up as she screamed she was coming.

Then she withdrew the dildo from my well-worn asshole. As she left the room she said that Ana was resting on our bedroom and she was not aware about our “little game”. It would be our secret.
The bitch added that her husband Jorge had never let her peg him; so, from now on, I would be her slave sex toy and she would take my ass at least once a month

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 His girl was Mexican. He said his girlfriend told him that her best friend was actually a guy transiting to a girl. That one night he came home and he thought she was cheating on him with one of her guy friends, but she told him her friend was curious about black men and all they said. So she asked her guy friend who swings both ways if he'd be up to giving her girlfriend her first black dick, telling him that she's nervous about being trans since the last black guy beat her up bad. And had he not walked in it would have went down. But it didn't because both got scared he knew about them. He told me he didn't believe it at first, but she locked herself out one night and they gave her the couch. That night he took some pills and his girl told him to leave the door open so she could get her girl friend to crave black dick again. He didn't want to, at first, but he said, she insisted. Well according to him she put on a show with all the vocals and screams. She told him to keep an eye on the door while she rode him, but not so obvious. That she bets her friend will try sneaking a peek. She ended up doing it, but not then. While they were 69ing. He saw only legs at the door, but knew based on how his girl was sucking him off. When he came his girl let it shoot in the air, then licked her hand and his cock. Then the legs were gone. I guess she told him her friend saw and he said he saw her legs, when she asked if he wants to have a 3 some? That she don't consider it cheating because she's not a real girl, but she is her best friend and thinks he'd be perfect as her first black dick. Because at least he won't beat her up. He told me he always wanted to bang her friend, but once he heard she was a trans he had second thoughts. That his girl pulled the "one 3 some" card on him saying she would rather it be hear friend. Well from what he said it was that night he got hooked.

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 She had just finished a warm bath. Her hair was nice and neat. Her make-up was freshly done. And her clothes had been pressed by the staff. She looked like a new person when she went outside with her sunglasses on.

Her last memory of the spa was giving Gianna a kiss on the lips. Then another. Then another. Until finally they embraced in a long tongue kiss.

While she walked down the street, Sally took out the phone from her purse. She needed to text Aileen.

She sent a simple message:

success!! i have so much to tell you. thnx for everything. best gift ever. next year, i'll need another gift card.

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 I woke up to the sound of the rain beating against my window. I lazily looked at the bedside clock and realized there was still two hours left till I had to wake up and get ready for work at six. I tried to go back to sleep but that flimsy lady called "sleep"eluded me for about twenty minutes. Realizing that I could not stay awake until daybreak, I decided to do something productive with my time. I reached out my right hand and groped my wife's ass. She was fast ***** judging by her snore. I fondled her slowly focusing solely on her butt. I let my finger slip through her butt crack and this got a response. She turned to look at me smiling though her eyes were still closed. "Can't sleep?" She asked. I responded by closing the gap between us and planting a kiss on her ear. My wife's ears are sensitive and a little tickling of the ear and she'd be in the "mood" in a heartbeat. Lo and behold, she grabbed my member which was as hard as a rock. She began to rub it slowly teasing me and making me moan in anticipation. But I didn't really have the inclination nor the time for foreplay so I just dove right in. I literally dove right into her pussy with my tongue and licked it like it was an ice cream. I lapped up her juice like it was the river of life. Her moans were loud and getting louder. I inserted one finger into her as I continued my vigorous licking. She groaned when my finger became two and continued the plodding of her pussy. Her thighs bucked wildly trapping my head in between her soft centre. Strong fingers pulled my hair using my tongue as a toothbrush to clean her pussy. She suddenly let out a long wail as I pressed harder on her sex with my tongue. She had orgasmed. Her juices were flowing faster than I could drink. I pulled out gasping for breath and went right back in. Once she calmed down from her orgasm. I placed my throbbing long dick directly at her entrance and parted her folds in one long plunge. It was breathtaking, the feel of my dick in her pussy was like hot butter. I raised both her legs and placed it on each sides of my shoulder. I looked deep into her eyes refusing to break contact and fucked her like it was my last day on earth. I alternated between short and long fast strokes all the while twisting my hips to meet her every time she tried to shy away from a deep thrust. Every thrust was met with a groan or a moan depending on the angle of penetration. "Harder, harder"she panted as I plunged deep into her. My legs were getting tired so I lay on my back and let her mount my pole. The moment her pussy engulfed me again, I bucked my hips upward and shot a load into her. She continued to ride me unabated and the agonising pleasure that engulfed the tip of my dick made me grind me teeth. Thankfully, my dick remained as hard as iron. My hips bucked up uncontrollably while my hands fondled her breasts. We rolled onto our sides facing each other, her left leg raised a little higher and supported by my right hand while I plunged my dick into her mercilessly. Her moans were that of a siren song leading me blindly by my dick and trying desperately to devour each and every part of her body. The slick sweat glistening on her body was like an aphrodisiac, it permeated my nostrils and I could smell her, not the perfume but the raw earthy scent of her self. It drove me mad, madder for my wife. I pressed my lips against hers and shoved my tongue inside her mouth tasting her sweet tongue. She could no doubt taste her sweet nectar on my own tongue from drinking her juices earlier. It must have excited her as much as it did me for she reached the for the back of my head and pulled me harder to her lips. She kissed me desperately, convincing more of her tongue into my mouth as if that was even possible. I continued my relentless fucking of her pussy eliciting moans from her. "Nnnyyaa",she screamed. She got up all of a sudden and offered her butt to me like a devout servant giving a gift to a deity. I straightened and held tightonto her beautifully shaped ass and entered her from behind. She growled and pushed back harder. I increased my pace and she did the same. It became a game to see who would tire first. The slapping noises of our bodies colliding in pleasurable pain became too much for both of us. Her orgasm was intense as I felt her cunt grip me tightly and her whole body shuddered. I felt her whole body trembling like an earthquake. It was not long until I exploded ropes of jizz into her for the second time. I fell onto her back, my cum continually dripping into her. She lay flat on her face exhausted as I was. I kissed her cheek and flopped onto my back. The moment my back hit the mattress, the alarm blared loudly and I made my way to the bathroom, a wide grin planted on my face.

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 One of Carols main fetishes, of many was being helpless, it was a main them removing any ownership she did not want to show while I was slow fucking her, telling her what I was going to do to her. When she came, it was hard.

The location was on a section of the state park beach we went to a lot. If there were any people they were usually lone men rock hunting or walking their pets. She would be off the beach, behind a sand mound. with three sides woods the other the lake. I would tent stake her out, face up, arms and legs spread with a sign placed above her head. The sign would read “Please Fuck Me” with lines below “use a rubber found in the box, empty it on me and leave the rubber between my tits”. She would be blindfolded.

I took my time, letting her mind work, then cooled her off, masturbated her several times to the point she was about to get off, which I would do several times no mater where we were gong and went back to the beach. I was there, say ten minutes, and I spotted a guy walking his pet on a leash, picking up the rocks. When pet got close he said a very loud hello, which was perfect, could never be planed. We talked, about the rocks he had found and then he went his way. I went back to her, untied her hands so she could have a smoke and shot or two. She said she had never before got off without being touched and she just had. She then tried to explain the feeling. I let her talk, she was learning how I got off. The mined is a wonderful thing.

We lay there for a hour then heard two men, talking, coming down the beach. Carol said something about me not being down there but lay back down. I could have stopped anyone that need to piss going over the mound, just by warning them there was bur patches over the mound and sending them down where I went, but odds of any of this happening were long I just relaxed myself. I am glad I do not gamble, I could here one of the guys tell the other he needed to piss. Being naked was not going to be a problem and anyway Carol love to be seen. She spread her legs and I started to slow masturbate her.

He stopped when he come over the hill, I right away pulled my fingers out of Carol and said high. He cam down a way and sat down. We got into a conversation that was broke up by him remembering why he was on the mound in the first place. He said he had to go, got up and asked would we like a beer. Sure enough both men returned, I told them they could take off there things if they wanted and come down to the blanket.

Carol was close to my side, her hand around my arm, both of us leaning back on our elbows. As they were coming down the hill I felt her hand tighten, she just said my name and looked at me. She garbed my face so she could talk into my ear. I will never forget her two words “the sign”

There was simply nothing for me to do but come clean, told them what we were doing, and if they were interested we could keep the game going. Both looked at each other and said yes. One of them was all ready hard so I told the other he would come down to beach with me. I tied Carol back down, otherwise it would be nothing more then like the swing clubs we went to, this while she was sucking on the hard ones balls as he masturbated over her mask. The two of us went back to the beach. Each of them got more then they wanted I am sure by the looks of them. I was lucky no one else came along, you could hear he coming over the waves.

I set up another meeting when I found out they were both married, that I wanted several more married men if possible the next time. Married gave us some business protection. When I got back to her they had done what the sign asked for.. They even dug a hole between her legs so she did not have to raise herself when being fucked. She was covered in cum. The rubbers were between her tits. Back at the car she put the dress on right over the cum and we went to dinner. We hung the rubbers on a tree on the trail hoping to add to them. Her only conplant was no cum in her cunt. The day was not over.

Carol and George Northern England Couple

I held the doors open for a second until they got in position, She held the rail facing the glass, He got his cloths down and mounted her. the doors closed and we started down.

It seamed like a second went by and we came to a bouncing stop. The doors started to open. My eyes went to them, both theirs to me then to the doors.

In my position, close to the wall, the first thing I could see was a black suit, next was a bright white bridle dress,then another black suit. I never moved, only my eyes, everything frozen. The five of them turned to plastic store manikins. Looking back on it, the three out side the elevator never know I was there.

What I was looking at seamed to last forever. Just about the time I looked at the elevator key pad there was a loud click and the doors started to slowly close. There was no eye movement by them at all. When I look back on this now we were ether about to get into a fight or invited to a wedding.

Needles to say we got the hell out of the place. After we were safe, Carol slid up her skirt, spread her legs, looked at me, and said "I am full of cum" our friend always gave a sign before getting off, something I was looking for with the dinner cost bet. Nether of them had any idea she was being pumped full. By far I have never spent one hundred dollars so wel  

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 Carol was leaning against a tree, arms above her head, legs spreed. Not wanting to bother her, the situation did not call for me to step in, I turned around and went back to the Jeep. I would say about thirty minutes later she come back down the trail, opened the Jeep passenger door and got in. I asked her if she had a good walk, she just looked at me and said she jest had been fucked by a man that she walked up on masturbating. Sure enough there was another car behind us, in the trees I did not see. I asked her if he fill her, she said yes. Spreading her legs I could see the white cum running down the inside of her legs and a pool starting on the leather seat. She then asked me to masturbate myself, that we will fuck later tonight. I took out my rock hard cock and ran my hand over the back side. I asked her if there was someplace special she wanted me I put my cum, see held out her hand and said in the palm of her hand. I came within seconds filling her palm which she pored over her mound and then pushed into her loose wide open cunt with two fingers.

We both got dressed, she got her makeup done in the mirror and we went on to the restaurant. The dried cum on her her legs, mine cum starting to run out of her, which also dried after mixing with the strangers by the time we got to the restaurant. We found it to be a fact that people never see what they are not expecting.

 Bonjour à tous, nous voilà de retour après une longue absence. Toutes les propositions sont les bienvenues. Nous recherchons aussi bien des échanges de photos, des visios, des dialogues sympas (notre MSN : que des rencontres réelles. Messieurs, envoyez-nous des clichés avec votre semence sur Aude, elle adore ça ! Bises

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 They had a round bed as you walk into one of the group rooms. Carol loved to be cum on, lot of cum, from a lot of strangers, This is including glory holes we played at but that is in another story, she never wiped any of it off. I did not have a fuck toy so I would sit on the outside of the round bed, between her legs, insert two fingers in her so cum would not go in, and very slowly masturbate her. She did not want to be fucked.

A lot of the guys that came in the room did not have anyone with them, they were there a short time and just wanted to cum. She would be covered in cum, including the bed. When we were in the cab going to dinner or sitting at a bar after, I would just have to wet my fingers to turn the hard cum into a oil and get Her to a point that she would do anything I asked, without any limits.

The rather usual evenings at home my wife and I would take rides when the sun went down and it was not hot out. I remember this one night we were to meet friends for dinner latter on so we decided to take a short drive up aways from our place. She would take off all her cloths for the ride, back in those days cell phones did not exist were we were. I parked the Jeep in the small parking space at the beginning of a walking trail in the state forest. We talked for a few minits, she got out of Jeep and started to walk down the trail. I watch her go thinking she had to pee.

After what seemed like a long time I thought I had better see if everything was all right. I walked quietly down the trail, I know the trail, I use it for hunting.

I thought I herd a noise and slowed my walk, went about ten yards and spotted a man, also without anything on, off the trail about twenty feet. he did not hear me as I moved a little further.

Carol was leaning against a tree, arms above her head, legs spreed. Not wanting to bother her, the situation did not call for me to step in, I turned around and went back to the Jeep. I would say about thirty minutes later she come back down the trail, opened the Jeep passenger door and got in. I asked her if she had a good walk, she just looked at me and said she jest had been fucked by a man that she walked up on masturbating. Sure enough there was another car behind us, in the trees I did not see. I asked her if he fill her, she said yes. Spreading her legs I could see the white cum running down the inside of her legs and a pool starting on the leather seat. She then asked me to masturbate myself, that we will fuck later tonight. I took out my rock hard cock and ran my hand over the back side. I asked her if there was someplace special she wanted me I put my cum, see held out her hand and said in the palm of her hand. I came within seconds filling her palm which she pored over her mound and then pushed into her loose wide open cunt with two fingers.


  Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Notre recherche se porte sur une jeune femme, un couple ou même un homme... Dans cette contribution, vous aurez un mélange de photos de toutes nos aventures... Nous privilégions les femmes avec de beaux petits pieds. Nous envisageons une relation sans capote uniquement si vous apportez la preuve d'un test hiv récent. Nous sommes dans les environs de Béziers  . Messieurs de la région, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter et, si vous envoyez un mail, accompagnez-le d'une photo de votre sexe, avec du sperme si possible ! Bises


 Bonjour à toutes et à tous. Notre recherche se porte sur une jeune femme, un couple ou même un homme... Dans cette contribution, vous aurez un mélange de photos de toutes nos aventures... Nous privilégions les femmes avec de beaux petits pieds. Nous envisageons une relation sans capote uniquement si vous apportez la preuve d'un test hiv récent. Nous sommes dans les environs de Béziers (34). Messieurs de la région, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter et, si vous envoyez un mail, accompagnez-le d'une photo de votre sexe, avec du sperme si possible ! Bises

Carol and George Northern England Couple

  J’ai été à nouveau reconnue... Alors que je rentrais chez moi, un beau black m’a félicitée pour mes photos. Il a profité de mes trous et m’a comblée. C’est moiCarol. Amis, collègues, et tous ceux qui m’avez reconnue, j’assume : je suis une vraie chienne, toujours sans culotte, un trou à bites toujours disponible, j’adore ça, et si vous me croisez, osez ! Baisez-moi ! Demandez une pipe (pour les hommes), un cunni (pour les dames), et beaucoup plus ! (si on a le temps et si le contexte le permet évidemment, je ne refuse jamais). Je me suis lancé un nouveau défi, éduquer les voisins. Je suis ce que certains appellent une salope, d’autres une femme qui s’assume. J’aime le sexe dans les lieux insolites, la pluralité, et que l’on s’occupe de ma chatte, les femmes bis, les couples et groupes de Toulouse. Pas intéressés par les échanges de photos ou les discussions. Réel uniquement. « Visite à la ferme 2 » est toujours votre contribution préférée, la plus vue de toutes ! Merci Jacquie et Michel, et n'oubliez pas de regarder nos autres contributions photos et vidéos et de voter pour mes photos ! 

Thank you all for your many very friendly and courteous messages, Carol is alway

   J'aime porter cette culotte dans les soirées. Elle laisse tout voir de mes fesses et de la profondeur de ma raie. Mais elle laisse le minou caché. Les hommes ne se privent pas de fouiller dessous avec leur main pour découvrir si la chatte est ébouriffée en buisson ou au contraire lisse comme la paume de la main! Et ils poussent des "Oh la salope" "Oh la pute" "Elle est trempée là dessous!". Et le tissu s'imbibe de ma mouille qui coule doucement, puis de l'huile des hommes qui m'ont remplie en me fendant l'abricot avec leur manche de pioche!!

Carol and George Northern England Couple

  Après une superbe après midi à trois, petit clin d'oeil à Carol just sublim... Moment de complicité pour finir cette belle journée

Carol and George Northern England Couple

 J'adorerai que ma femme me donne la queue de son amant black à sucer sur elle, m'obligeant à l'avaler entièrement et à avaler son sperme puis, quand il l'aurait totalement fécondée (chatte, bouche et anus) qu'elle m'offre ses orifices et son corps couvert de foutre à lécher...c'est mon plus grand rêve...

Depuis quelques temps, mon mari me domine et m'avilit, en me donnant des ordres

 Depuis quelques temps, mon mari me domine et m'avilit, en me donnant des ordres ou des punitions et je dois obligatoirement le remercier pour sa bonne grâce de garder un sac à foutre comme moi. Il m'a eu, en faisant des photos tout d'abord soft puis de plus en plus cochonnes et maintenant il m'oblige à faire du porno, il me prenait entrain de le sucer, il faut me voir la bouche pleine de sa grosse bite ou le visage recouvert de sperme, il en fait aussi des crades ou j'ai sa main dans mon vagin ou mon cul ravagé par une courgette. Mais cela restait entre nous et me convenait. L'autre jour,

WE LOVE YOUR VIDEOS WE LOVE TO MEET...!We love to chat an play with t

 Voici la première publication de Lady Carol, car depuis nos rencontres avec la belle Lady Agathe et son adorable Geoffroy et nos photos communes sur leur profil, ils souhaitaient me voir seule ici. Cette première est donc le cadeau que nous leur offrons...

 Bonjour mes adorables admirateurs, Merci de réclamer des nouvelles photos de moi, alors ceux qui ne me suivent pas sur notre blog, voici notre dernière série réalisée lors d'un très agréable week-end au Touquet. Une tenue pour aller jouer au casino, pensez vous que j'aurais eu la chance de toucher le jackpot ? Au plaisir de vous lire et d'essayer de répondre à tous vos messages, Votre Douce Carol Sensuelle, toujours avec son Amour de Photographe.

J'aime les jeux insolites sans tabous, les lieux insolites, l'exhib, la pluralit

 J'aime les jeux insolites sans tabous, les lieux insolites, l'exhib, la pluralité masculine. J'aime les mecs, les vrais, surtout s'ils sont nombreux autour de moi.

 Nous l'avions déjà rencontré. Il connaît aussi des amis à nous et il baise les épouses de certains d'entre d'eux. Ces femmes lui avaient fait une bonne publicité. Il vit pas trop loin de chez nous et voulait me baiser déjà depuis des années. Et maintenant, il a eu sa chance. Il a une grosse queue et il sait l'utiliser ! Il m'a baisèe fortement et il m'a joui dans la bouche. Que peut une pute comme moi désirer de plus ? Bisous coquins de votre "putain amatrice", Carol

 Pour tous nos fans qui s'inquiètent, nous vous rassurons nous allons bien, il y a parfois d'autres priorités. Un kiné à domicile pour Carol qui souffrait du dos, je me doutais bien que cela allait mal (bien, lol) finir. Il a fait du bon taf, il faut bien avouer, en tout cas son mal de dos avait disparu comme par enchantement. Il avait un net penchant pour la sodo ce mec, ses doigts agiles avaient en tout cas bien préparé Carol et il la pénétrait facilement par le petit jusqu'à la garde. Comme toujours à la fin, c'est pourtant Carol qui gagne... :-).

Le titre est assez parlant ou dois-je vous donner plus d'indices pour que vous c
Le titre est assez parlant ou dois-je vous donner plus d'indices pour que vous c

 Un nouvel album pour vous remercier de tous vos messages ! Régalez-vous bien !

Cette petite salope de Carol adore se faire prendre par plusieurs hommes...

 Cette petite salope de Carol adore se faire prendre par plusieurs hommes...

Monsieur savoure le spectacle

Lorsque madame pousse son invité à bout... Monsieur savoure le spectacle... Avant d'en reprendre possession !

Le titre est assez parlant ou dois-je vous donner plus d'indices pour que vous c

 Un beau we où cet amant est venu prendre possession de Carol tout un we chez nous et durant lequel ils se sont installés dans la chambre conjugale tandis que suis allé rejoindre ma chambre de cocu. Mais j'avais le plaisir de leur apporter tout ce qu'ils désiraient et le petit déjeuner au lit pendant qu'il continuaient à jouir sans réserve... Amicalemen

I met this girl camping and my group and her group started drinking together at

 I met this girl camping and my group and her group started drinking together at a fire one night. We left and went into the woods and she blew me. We didn’t even know each other’s names. It was fucking hot.

We love watching your vids! They are among the horniest on here, and always make

 It wasn’t a singular event, but a few years ago I was dating this girl who would always give me head while I sat on the couch watching football on Sundays. It was weird because I wasn’t focusing on her for some of the time — and weird when I would wake up excited that it was Sunday, but not sure for which reason.

The last time I gave road head I was in my early 20s. My boyfriend was driving h

 The last time I gave road head I was in my early 40s. My boyfriend was driving his minivan. I forget where we were going, what we were doing, or why I even felt inspired to start; what I do remember is him slamming on the breaks to avoid hitting a car in front of us. His dick punched me in the back of my throat, but that was nothing compared to the pain he endured. It probably would have been less scarring to rear end whoever was in front of us.

Last night I had one of the best Bicouples in a long time hot nasty it started l

 Last night I had one of the best Bicouples in a long time hot nasty
it started like this I was having a drink with my friend david and kashame
just chilling. They decied to go to the peep show on 8th ave.
so we going from booth to booth they stop in the gloryhole.and i conitue to
brouse the store.when i notice this couple white older looking me up and down
The man who i can"t name beacuse i never got them said you have alot of body art. He said his wife had some also would i like to see i said yes i would
we went upto a booth and the both started sucking on this black dick their so fucking hot but not much you can do in a peep booth. so we to get a room and thats when the shit fot nasty.wile she suck my dick he starts to lick my ass hole i have never felt so much passion for people i just met.we fuck for houes .The pussy let me tell you about the pussy.fat jucy lips cum running out close your eyes and just think about that wet pussy and now i want to stop and rub my dick but back to them hot sex all weekend they were in New York I never got theri names or were they live but i sure that sweet carma will bring us togeather once more

My wife will suck cock almost anytime I ask

 My wife will do it almost anytime I ask...but I try not to ask more than 3-4 times a week. For her she almost prefers it to sex as it's a simpler act. Also, the act itself has turned into a nice time for her as she usually will discuss things with me or watch tv while playing with my penis and testicles.(which I don't mind)Hubby usually pulls me up when I try (mostly right after he's given me oral). It's because by then he's super horny and my sucking his dick will shorten his "hang-time" once the fucking begins. Sometimes if we're really horny during the day, we'll sneak in the room off and on for quick fun...that usually involves me sucking his dick. I'll let him finish in my mouth, but I don't swallow.


  after a dance there was this very cute   girl. Now, it wasn't exactly random because me and her had this relationship where if we didn't get with anybody else in a night, we were usually pretty drunk and ended up together. Well it was getting late so we did our usual sneak away from the group and she blew me in a stairwell and she swallowed. But here's the kicker. After we finished we went back to the dance floor and she made out with an acquaintance of mine. At first I denied it because I kind of felt bad for the guy but everybody else, including her, kept telling him. Needless to say, in any setting that gentleman and I do not exchange pleasantries.

  Girl blew me,swallowed, and made out with classmate later. Ergo, he had a taste of my semen,   he was not happy.  

Blow job Queen

 It was almost three years ago. I came home from work and laid in bed with her, talking about my day at work here and there. She asked me if I'd sprouted a boner while I was working (which is a 'DUH' question if you're a guy- of course I did, I do all the time- but when you're a gal who can't imagine having a penis, I suppose that it's a different deal). When I answered positive, she caught that goofy-grinned-goofy-laugh thing that folks exhibit when they're amazed. It was cute to me.

Before I could even mentally log the followings, she was unzipping  just to get a look at my cock, and only a few seconds later she was sucking on it, looking me dead in the eyes as I creamed in her mouth..Most fun I've ever had after work.


Christmas party

 Hi I would like to tell you about the Christmas party we had this year with friends and neighbours, each year 1 person has to be Santa but only 2 people know 1 of cause the Santa and the chief neighbourhood watch chairman, this year it was me and not even my f****y had to know, I remember last year and it got rather naughty I even got blown by one of Santa’s helpers and had a good idea who it was but, like any year even if you knew it stayed a secret. Well the party started and I sloped off and got changed and got my sack of presents, arriving at the party all the girls gave me a cuddle and kiss as they got their presents, it was good being Santa as you got to grope all the women and not get into trouble, I had heard from a few of the guys the women were always willing to suck Santa’s cock for a extra present I had suspicions that even my wife Jenny had last year and my daughter Candy as well. Chatting to a few people our neighbour’s daughter Janet who was just 18 asked if Santa had a special present for such a naughty girl, she was so sexy dark brown eyes long raven black hair and one very curvy figure all in a nice little short dress, “you better come with me young lady Ho Ho Ho if you was so bad” leaving without being noticed we crept upstairs and into the bedroom, telling her to bend over Santa had a nice hard surprise for her.

I think I give a great blow job What do you think?

 I think I give a great blow job What do you think?

As I was watching Sharon and Dave started kissing, my initial thoughts were haha

 As I was watching Sharon and Dave started kissing, my initial thoughts were haha thats funny coz she dosnt even like him. Then his hand slipped down onto her tit and even inside her blouse, i was torn thinking well does he know about me n Kerry , tho I didnt go for skin with her, I was frozen to the spot in that I didnt feel I was pure white enough to speak out! I thought it would stop after a short time, but it didnt, in fact Alby joined in. Within 3 or 4 minutes Sharon was topless with Dave and Alby sucking on alternate boobs!, I was transfixed on the second floor in a dilemma about whether or not I make a big scene, i mean she was obviously enjoying it and I definitely didnt want Sharon knowing about Kerry. Its a strange sight seeing your wife of 20 years enjoying being pleasured by 2 other men, to be honest I was aroused by it.

I still thought that was as far as she would go but Alby dropped his pants and Sharon took his cock into her mouth, she had always told me that i was the only man she had ever given a blowjob to but she certainly didnt seem shy about it! From there it becomes a bit blurred, I was drunk as, sitting thinking about how I could interfer, but also being aroused watching it all happen, in the end i just watched....and it was a show,...Sharon fucked n sucked both of them. When they finished i snuck off to bed, 15 minutes later Sharon joined me and 5 minutes after that I was sxrewing my heart out with her. Part of me was disgusted with my wife but honestly a larger part of my male self was erect as, as i pounded her I was thinking "im yr third tonight u little slut" and it turned me on big time!


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 - Fun times with friends
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  •  10/08/23
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 - Northern England Couple
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  •  20/09/22
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 - Morning  Fuck Suck
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  •  20/09/22
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 - Screaming Explosive Orgasms
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  •  29/08/22
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 - Anal Queen
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 - Blow job queen
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