wankinwizzbitt blogs

First Gay Experiences

 When I was around 16 I had a friend who would bring porno mags to my house for us to read.  We started experimenting with wanking in front of each other.  This led to me sucking his cock on one occasion.  He felt a bit weird afterwards so we  kept it to just wanking.  One day he brought a magazine which featured shemales, he hadn't realised, it was just in the middle of the ones he nicked from his older brother's room.  After playing with ourselves and each other he admitted to me that he had experimented with putting things up his arse.  I asked if my cock could fit in his arse, he agreed to give it a go.  I slowly pushed my stiff cock into his hole, he squealed and writhed but he took me all the way in.  Not having condoms I made a nice squealshy mess inside him.  I loved it.  This happened on another six occasions when he asked if he could fuck me.  I had not put anything up inside me, I was a bit scared to.  I agreed to give it a go.  His cock was just too big for me to take, especially without lube.  Instead I gave him a long blowjob.  He blew his load right into the back of my throat, I gagged but managed to swallow the lot.  After about a half hour he offered to give me a blowjob.  It was fantastic, he clenched my arse cheeks and I blew my hot load, he didn't gag he just kept swallowing, my cock was cleaned by his tongue.  He went off to uni and I never got to see him again, but I still think of that time when I taste cum. xxxx

  •  wankinwizzbitt
  • Centres d'intérêts:
  • Watching porn and wanking
  • Sexe
  • Mâle
  • Occupation:
  • Retail
  • Date de naisance:
  • Octobre 1970
  • Groupe ethnique:
  • Blanc
  • Statut matrimoniale:
  • Libre et seul
  • Sexualité:
  • Hétéro
  • Fumer:
  • Non
  • Taille:
  • 180 cm 5 ft 11 in
  • Silhouette:
  • Normale
  • Attributs sexuels:
  • Moyen(e)
  • Education:
  • Diplome
  • Nationalité:
  • Royaume-Uni
  • Pays de résidence:
  • Royaume-Uni
  • Etat, province ou départment:
  • X9
  • Ville:
  • denbigh
  • Date validée:
  • 2010-05-04
  • Dernière visite:
  • Vous devez être inscrit pour consulter cette information.
  • Dispo pour rencontres:
  • Oui
Séries de Photos
  •   360
  •  04/08/11
  •  100%
  • em6224
  •   Etats-Unis
      65 and