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PC virus
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Message PC virus 
when I was in the photos tab and clicked on "one lve" a virus was downloaded into my PC

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I don't think that is possible, but I will report it to the IT team

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I can confirm that it appears that your site is spreading malware. This morning I was viewing some videos that were posted on May 18 and suddenly Adobe Reader opened unexpectedly with a blank page and then my computer became infected with the "Antispyware Soft" malware. I cleaned my computer and used it with no problems the most of the day on other web sites. Then I revisited yuvut.com and was was again viewing videos posted on May 18 and my computer became infected again. I don't know specifically what video I was viewing when it happened as I had several open.

BTW: I was using the latest version of the Firefox browser (3.6.3) and I have the latest version of Adobe Reader (9.3.2) installed on my computer.


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