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What happens if im banned?
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Message What happens if im banned? 
I got banned because it says im 20??
I have picture id proving im 21? anyway i can get back in??

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Yes if a mistake has been made contact the administrator via the feedback link up top of the page.

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Message hı honey 
ım sad for banned

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krokos if you would listen to what others are trying to tell you you would not get kicked from room or banned for a few hrs

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Message banned 
long time banned pls unbanned for me

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if you are unhappy with the decision made by the room moderators ...

top right feed back is your link to admin ...

or mail him ....

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Message hı 
ı dont know do mail operator help me truday

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look top of the page ....on the right ... feedback .....

just above where you click for chat ....

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Krok if I was you I wouldn't even bother.....You're just going to get yourself banned again because no matter how many times you are warned you can't seem to behave yourself. I personally have warned, muted, kicked and as a last resort banned you. Now it looks like you've had another go with one of the other moderators on the site and got yourself banned again, this time for a substantial amount of time by the sound of it. I suggest you move on.

Thanks for the help Tru Wink

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