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Wife worship. I want to love your wife with your consent
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Message Wife worship. I want to love your wife with your consent 
I found a new kink recently when I was having great sex with a married woman I have become fond of.
I was too high, and couldn't cum, so she encouraged me by telling me that she wished her husband was there to see her being so wanton and free, even suggesting that he would probably like to watch with his cock in his hand!!!
That was enough, I pulled out and came all over her lovely married back.
Since then, all I can think about is fucking everyone's missus with their consent.
Does that make me a cuckold? or a cuckoo?
I suppose I'm hoping that there'll be a horny couple out there who'd really enjoy indulging my fantasy; I'd love to respectfully shag your missus and have a few laughs while we do it.
lets have a discussion about this weird kink.
and Pm me if you're in a partership that would like to help me out. :-) I have some posts on my profile.

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Hi Cloudy!

If you are ever in south Florida please get in touch. My husband would LOVE watching me being fucked by another man! Check out my profile, and if you are interested just keep me in mind.


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Hi Cloudy!

If you are ever in south Florida please get in touch. My husband would LOVE watching me being fucked by another man! Check out my profile, and if you are interested just keep me in mind.


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