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The neighbors
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Message The neighbors 
I had moved to the UK in June 2002 and had just about settled in after a couple of weeks. It was in my 3rd week in this town that I discovered how friendly the locals weere. My long term partner stayed behind in Canada, and at that point in time, our long distance relationship was beginning to seem doomed.

I had met the neighbours a couple of times and exchanged just a few polite words. But this weekend changed all that and boy how. It all started when we about my partner not wanting to move to the UK, and Jane, the wife of next door’s said to me to come round for a bite to eat as they were having a friend of theirs, Fred, round. I was lonely and decided to take her up on the invite with no other motives but food and company for a hour or two. At 7.30 round I went for my meal, wine bottle in hand and with no more thoughts than lets have a few laughs. Simon welcomed me into the house and only 5 mins later Fred arrived Jane was in the kitchen finishing of the food. She came into the lounge in a not too revealing green top and pants and gave Fred a hug and a little kiss as it was his birthday. She them said he would get his present latter, and then gave me a kiss and told me I would also get a present also later. I still had no idea what was to come, and I anticipated a home baked cake to take home or something like that. We were told to get a drink and the meal would be served up soon. The 3 of us sat around and they chatted about the weekend soccer results as most English guys do.

Jane called Simon to go and help serve the meal Fred said he had known Simon & Jane for about 12 months as he worked with Simon and had met Jane at a works social at Christmas and he had been out with them for a drink a couple of time. He had never been to their house before and he was a little surprised to be invited for his 33rd birthday. Simon called us into the dining room where the meal was all arranged. Small talk and the wine went down well, and towards the end of the meal Simon said that he hoped we would enjoy our presents latter and the way he looked at Jane made me start to think was this going to be a interesting night. We finished the meal and the bottles of wine that Fred and I had brought along. We were sent back into the lounge, Fred asked me what I thought Simon had meant by his remark about enjoying presents meant, so he also had picked up the same vibes. Simon came into the room after stacking the dishwasher and turned the cd player on playing some very nice mood music. Jane he said would be down soon as she had gone to change.

After a short time he left the room to see where she was and when he came back down a few minutes later Jane was just behind him this time in a well you could say was a “party outfit “ very low neck halter top and short no very short black skirt. Wow! She came into the room with all eyes on her in this new outfit. Jane had two small packets in her hands one for both Fred and me we were told to open them. We both did not say a word and pulled of the rapping paper inside were a packet of condoms each. I just couldn't believe it: that this relative stranger would give me a packet of rubbers just llike that. I looked at Fred and we smiled to each other now knowing what Simon meant. Jane stood in front of us and smiled then said could she would first kiss the birthday boy then kiss the neighbour. We both just smiled back, she did as she said, kissing both of us long and hard Simon stood behind Jane and very slowly undid the halter top to revealed Jane’s 38” breasts in all their glory. I looked at Simon and he nodded and said go on boys don’t just look that’s my job. At that we both moved forward and stood either side of her and started to touch her first down her sides and soon moving up to a breast each.Soon we were both sucking a nipple each, which by the look on her face she was enjoying. I then slid my hand down the outside of her left leg till I reached the hem of her skirt, I then started to lift the skirt but before I did I once again looked at Simon and all he did was smile in encouragement .So up came her skirt as Fred had got hold of the other side and we slowly pulled the skirt up to reveal the black pull up stockings and the black lace thong that was not hiding very much. We looked at each other that is Fred and myself and without saying any thing he moved in front and with a hand both sides gently pulled the tong down to below Jane’s Knee’s to fully show her fine shaved pussy, Jane then stepped out of her thong and we told her to sit on the edge of the armchair which she did. Fred then moved between her legs and moved them very wide apart so that all 3 of us got a great view of her and we could see she was moist. We asked Simon if he wanted to touch her but he said no he only wanted to watch his wife get fucked by both of us. We asked Jane if that was what she wanted, she smiled and said yes but please use the condoms. We soon got the top and skirt off her and as it was Fred’s birthday we said he would go first, so as he was removing his pants I started to give Jane a finger fuck, and she sure was moist in fact that moist that two fingers went in no trouble followed by three. By now Fred had his ridged cock with condom on so I moved to allow him access to Jane’ pussys he also fingered her till she said very quietly “fuck me know “ at that Fred moved his dick into her wet hole, slowly so I moved to allow him access to Jane’ pussys he also fingered her till she said very quietly “fuck me know “ at that Fred moved his dick into her wet hole, slowly just a bit at a time. With her legs still spread wide we could see him entering her .He stopped leaned forward and started to feel her tit’s again, this she seamed to love.

We all stood around and drank our beers for some time and it felt a bit strange with 2 half dressed and 1 fully dressed guys and a semi naked female stFredng about then Fred asked if he could also have a blow job, she just smiled and said that was a good idea so I said it would be a good idea if I used one of my presents as well. At that we both stared to once again suck her breasts and finger her wet pussy This got both of us hard Simon asked if I would like her doggy fashion, well with a offer like that I could not refuse So Jane got down on the floor and I took up position behind her first spreading her wide so we all got a good view then with Fred part sitting down in front of Jane I placed condom on and manoeuvred my dick into position, no problem gaining access to Jane’s wet cunt, she started to rock back and forwards on my dick and Fred offered her his manhood to taste which she took all the way in. The three of us soon got into a good rhythm and as we had both only just shot our loads we could keep this going for some time, but as the saying goes “a change is as good as a rest” I asked Jane to turn onto her back so I wanted to have her that way. She turned over and we were soon got back into our 3 way. I started to fuck her hard and fast and soon Jane started to give out those little signs that she was about to cum and she did with one shuddering organism and I could not hold back any longer when I was as deep into her as I could get I shot my load Fred was only just a few seconds behind also came but he pulled out of her mouth and shot his spunk over her face and chin.

Jane once again went up to the bathroom to clean up. We got back into our pants and we all had a final drink with a promise that we should do this the next opportunity when that is we shall see. Well that was my first real taste of England.

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kin el iv lived in england all me life n all my neighbours do is give us funny looks n tell us fuck off Shocked

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