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Message UPLOAD 
the upload is slow and 40mb is small,plus why do you review the content?can't you put a "flag as inappropriate" like youtube does?but apart from this it's a great site

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Message thanks for feedback 
40 Mb is is fact more than many other sites and we intend to increase it. However the connection tends to drop more frequently for larger uploads resulting in a fustrating experience.

We screen videos because we do not want ***** porn videos appearing on the site for even one second. And we do not want anybody to be exposed to such videos. There is a "flag as inappropriate" feature for added security.

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how long does it take to review videos i want to post?

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Message It depends 
A maximum of 24 hours and a minimum of 15 minutes. The average is about 3 or 4 hours.

Controversial videos, that is videos that are badly classified, appear to be copyright infringed or on the border of legality (extreme BDSM), can take longer than 24 hours.

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youguys are lucky, i cant even submit a vid. why is that?????? whats the prob.?

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Message can't upload? 
... get in touch with admin using the "feedback" link

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Message Professional porn 
Get just ONE person to review these videos. You have too many people posting the same videos within weeks, declaring it to be theirs. And you still have professional videos, posing as amateur.

The last time I tried to flag a video, it wanted to know my email address. That has nothing to do, with notifying you. and it caused me to say fuck it.

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Message ONE person 
The workload is too big to give to one person: 1. you would be surprised how many videos we reject 2. it is too much porn for one person to handle.

We do our best rejecting reposts. Often the uploader claims they have slightly edited their video and wanted it updated.

The pro videos, we push to the pro channel. If a mistake is done it usually gets corrected within 24 hours as a result of one of the moderators spotting it or someone flagging it.

The email address is required because if you are flagging a video for being inaprorpiate or a breach of copyright we can report to you what we have done about it. (If you want to be anonymous, you dont have to give your email address)

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Message Quicktime?? 
Why can I upload quicktime mov. ?

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what it is mean that i cant upload with an extension "E"? how can i upload a video from my web cam?

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Message upload 
how can i upload my video from my web cam? what's mean that i cant upload a video fom extension "E"?

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