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Message Favourites 
Is it possible to find out if any of your pictures or videos have been added to anybody's favourites or play list's even if they are not a friend. If not we think this would be a good idea and create more viewings and more interest. What do you at yuvu think and would you post us a reply please.


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Message Totally agree 
I totally agree with us2r1,

the main reason people share their video's and pics is that they want to know how others react on it.
And off course, playing this game of uploading the best viewed and rated content.
Seeing that yr content is added to many peoples favorite list will motivate to upload more and beter quality material.

Another suggestion on looking to the favorites is beeing able to see the percentage of males and females who added it to their favorites.

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If you are a subscriber, you can see who has favourited your videos. If you go to a video of your own and scroll down to the bottom under the comments there is a clickable section that opens and has the names of all those that have favourited the vid. Hope this helps.

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