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Do u like my movie?
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Message Do u like my movie? 
Noone seems to. Its OK to be honest i guess...

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Message movie 
i like ur movie, got any of u playin with toys close up? x

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Its just most of the comments so far are kinda mean and I cant figure out why

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Message Movie 
The movie is good (I would love to feel your mouth on my cock like that), but Iwould also love to see you with a damp pussy riding a hard cock.

So much the better if only it were mine.

I think you are really sexy.

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Well I certainly liked it, and I agree with Darklight that I'd like to be in your man's place. Wink I put it in my favorites so I can check back to see if you add more in the future.

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Message I loved your movie 
More, more, more, and next time, choose me to be the recipient.

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I'd love to be in your movie. x :wink:

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Thats really sweet guys. Some poeple can be so mean. I love to hear what u think

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Message Do u like my movie 
I like your movie. I love the attention you are showing his cock and you appear to be really enjoying it. I cannot understand why others think it boring; it makes a change to see a softer, more natural, video.


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Hi Emma, the movie is fine it would have been better if the cam was closer to see the action closer, but don't worry about the comments it is an amateur video which is what makes it so appealing....theres no camera crue, lighting team and 15 takes to get the best shot. Its people you say hi too in the street or the next door neigbour with a camcorder having some fun on film. So you make as many as you like and keep posting them and have fun ;-) xxx oh and if you come to England you can film us lol xxx

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Hi Emma, the movie is fine it would have been better if the cam was closer to see the action closer, but don't worry about the comments it is an amateur video which is what makes it so appealing....theres no camera crue, lighting team and 15 takes to get the best shot. Its people you say hi too in the street or the next door neigbour with a camcorder having some fun on film. So you make as many as you like and keep posting them and have fun ;-) xxx oh and if you come to England you can film us lol xxx

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Thank you all. I was on the point of giving up.

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