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Can you guys help me find more videos of this couple?
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Message Can you guys help me find more videos of this couple? 
I remember a few months ago, there was this amazing couple on here. The wife would always blow her husband to completion and all the videos from them were highly rated. I remember them talking about doing a threesome but a few weeks after that was announced, all their videos were deleted from here.

Does anyone if they are posting elsewhere? or does anyone else have anymore videos of them?

Here is a link to a video with the couple: http:/........./movies/1198664/blow_and_swallow.html

It's the only video I've been able to find but if you've seen the couple before, you'd know exactly which one I'm talking about.

Thanks guys,


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They have deleted all their stuff ....... and probably because their videos were stolen from here and reposted all over the net.
(You have just given 1 proof)

Other thing, please don't advertise other porn sites on yuvutu, thanks.

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