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this site sucks
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relax) take it easyyyyy))) Wink

check my urls what i posted in my blog

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Message IMprovements on the way 
Sorry you are having difficulty viewing some of the videos.

We are currently re-engineering the site so that more people can have trouble-free viewing. You should have more joy before the end of January.

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it's a firefox problem

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OK, buyt 99% movies don't work

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Anonymous a écrit:
it's a firefox problem

Firefox works fine now and always !

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Don't know where you're coming from. I have no problems with this website. Maybe you need to get rid of that 80MB Apple computer of your's and upgrade to a Microsoft 15 GB Windows XP and make sure you get a good video card, you cheap skate. Good luck.

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Message I've NEVER Had a problem with the site... 
..Maybe you just have a shitty computer.

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