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Exciting opportunity to meet up in LA
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Message Exciting opportunity to meet up in LA 
I'm a british photographer and I will be visiting LA at the beginning of september for work. I've been on quick visits to LA before, but i've never really had a chance to explore the city and it bugs me. So this time I am tagging on a couple of days of free time to discover the city and to see some of the sights and maybe meet up with a couple of interesting people.

That is where you could come in. Are you up for showing me round in your neighbourhood or maybe even finding some new places together? Do you think it might be fun to play tour guide to your own area showing around someone new? Does the idea of a pretend holiday on your doorstep with someone new appeal to you and excite you? Yes? Then get in touch with me.

In exchange I can offer a well travelled, open minded companion with a dry sense of humour, I'll even buy lunch or dinner in exchange for you being my guide.

The dates I will be free in LA are 11th-15th of september so you only have a short time to get in touch.

Interested, then drop me a message and tell me where you would like to take me.

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