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looking for someone to take some photos
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Message looking for someone to take some photos 
hi all debbie smith bi tv here

On the 01 of august 2015 i will be haveing a day out in liverpool city center and would like someone to take some pictures of me out and about in liverpool city center

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HI Debbie,
I have just done this last Sunday for another tgirl member on Fabguys around Worlds End near Llangollen and Bersham, Wrexham and I got some great shots for her. We used her camera so she knew her pix would be private to herself only, though I would never dream of using someone else's pix as my own, I respect their privacy and wishes. Although August 1st is still quite a way away, if your stuck for a photographer I could and would step in and lend a hand, so long as I wasn't busy myself. Anyway, I'll just leave it at that for now. xx
P.S. I don't have transport so we would have to rely on yours.

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