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Moderator for the chat room
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Message Moderator for the chat room 
Just left the chat room due to individual/s that were calling other people "*****" ( I apologize to everyone for even using
this term, but the impact of this crude slang needs to be made ). I had been out of the loop so to speak for several days
due to a very hectic work schedule and when I returned to the chat room there were a few individuals ranting on about white supremacy, nazi slogans, in general, just distasteful and disgraceful actions that were running off most all of the "regulars" and undoubtedly all of the new people. I have participated in verbally communicating with a lot of people in the chat room, most all of it genuinely fun, and almost everybody was very polite, kind, and at times we all laughed till our sides hurt. But let me get to the point, possibility of having a moderator / administrator monitor the chat room or at the least, "look in" to the chat room banter, say, once an hour ? I strongly suggest that you get a quick grip on these trolls that revel in pissing everybody off and will possibly run most of your "good" people to other sites. I myself have dumped all my favorites and cleared my profile and will check back in a couple of weeks to see if anything has changed.

Thanks, Peakstar

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Message thanks for feedback 
The aim of the chat room is to for more people to have more fun. Regarding moderation, we will see what we can do with our limited resources and if necessary clode the the chat room.

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Message admin 
So here i was...drinking beer and bored and i decided to come here to this shitty website full of hairy gorilla's and fat old hags that think that it's sexy to show their cottage cheese thighs on cam to have a good laugh and i realized that you banned my ip again....homo

I have a list of 3.000 proxies you can ban you flaming queen...i think that your hatred towards me has to do with the fact that your daddy used to do you up the ass and rub peanut butter on his ball and he used to trick you into licking them when you were a ***** you helmet wearing faggot... keep on banning these proxies admin cause i got 2.999 more i can use you homo

you're gayer than bicycle shorts

with love

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Message sad man 
you are a sad angry man.

we will have to work through all 3000 then

2998 to go.

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Don't fret ADMIN...He's Just Mad Because He Has a Dinky Winky.

Hee Hee. :lol:

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Message the chat room 
I note the course of action you are considering about the chat room. Mostly up until 22:00 UTC the banter has been lively today but in the last couple of hours two individuals have been very rude indeed.
In most other chat programs the users volunteer to be moderators and would like you to consider this instead of closing the room, which has been good fun for many and new friends have been made.

Thank you for the facility and generally I look forward to enjoying the facilities of this site for some time to come.

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