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How about a MSN column?
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Message How about a MSN column? 
Wouldnt it be nice with a MSN column, where people can get connected with cams..?

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If you want to be on msn then be there...
We who are in yuvutu are here for that reason that we really want to be in here and not on msn...
We are here to show, watch and chat to many people at the same time and alot of us in here has actually become friends and we don't want to talk elswere... You can always ask polite if someone wants to add you on msn but don't be a begger about it please...

You shuld not be mixing yuvutu with msn or yahoo because it is so different things...
Thanks for listening Smile

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I am with Exwife on that....I don't think so either. If we want to give you MSN then we will give it to ya.....Just ask the person then have fun!!!!!!

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