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Stupid Question...
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Message Stupid Question... 
Hello, everyone. I have a stupid question. I love leaving comments/compliments to those that have posted videos here. Why do some posts appear in yellow and others in just white? Are the yellow respondents actual yuvutu members?

For those that are members...are you satisfied with what you get for your $? I am a prospective client and just curious.

Would love to hear! Thanxxx for sharing!

HJ Cool

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You're right HJ. One way or another those in yellow are subscribers. Either because they've paid, or because they have earned a free subscription. You get one of those when your yuvu index goes over 100,000. For more of an explanation of that, click on 'yuvutu index' at the top right of the screen.

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Message try before you buy 
I am happy for others to post their experience.

However, I can give you a free 24 hour trial and you can judge for yourself.

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