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Reason to believe its not you!!!!
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Message Reason to believe its not you!!!! 
I have been on here for some time but only once uploaded a video but then took it off, My husband made a compilation video of me which took him sometime but when i uploaded my video i was knocked back by the administrator, They told me they had reason to believe it was not me...I don`t understand how can i prove it`s me...my video is amatuer and contains part of the video which i had once uploaded....I emailed then back but got no reply......i`m slightly pissed at this and if anyone knows how i can get my videos uploaded can you please let me know !!
If not can you direct me to any more sites were i can upload my vids....Thanks share2

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I am sorry that you got "pissed" by the process and the possibly rude communication from us. Please appreciate that we receive a large quantity of obviously fake videos every day from people claiming to be in the videos themselves. Unfortunately sometimes we get it wrong.

We always reply to all emails. I can only guess that your email soemhow got lost, or our response got blocked by your spam filter. Please try responding to the rejection email again or use the "feedback" link at the top of the page.

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Message Thanks 
Thanks Admin....i`ve now managed to upload my video......thanks to all who have viewed this....share2 Very Happy

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Message Rejected/ copyright questionable? 
I received a rejection email today as well, claiming they don't think I own the copyright. Hopefully they'll respond to my reply. I don't know how they judge fake/stolen from not, but I do know this is 'me' in the vid and I own ALL RIGHTS. Hopefully this gets sorted out. As usual it's the fakes that ruin it for everyone else. Evil or Very Mad

www.bonnynclyde.sensualwriter.com to learn more about Bonny N Clyde.
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Message bonnynclyde answer 
You posted the video as amateur. It was clear that an amateur individual would not have produced your video hence why the video moderator doubted the authenticity. I have approved your video.

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Message thanks for the clarification... 
Yes I did list myself as 'amateur', since what I do is considered amateur to a point, guess I never considered myself 'studio pro' since we do these vids ourselves with no one elses' help or professionality, but understand the gray area. Thanks for some clarity and I'll list them as pro from this point on.

www.bonnynclyde.sensualwriter.com to learn more about Bonny N Clyde.
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Both of these videos are VERY nicely produced. I can tell that they're clearly true amateur video, just extremely well produced. Goodjob!

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Our definition for pro is a video that advertises a commercial website, regardless of production quality.

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I get it all now, and thank you kyxtian Razz .

www.bonnynclyde.sensualwriter.com to learn more about Bonny N Clyde.
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