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Rating the videos!!!!
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Message Rating the videos!!!! 
It is soooo.. boring that some people keep bumping there videos up there to the first spot.. this should be for the viewers to watch and decide.. not for some sucker who thinks his ugly ass wife should have the first spot.. and keeps bumping it up there… ?

If the Admin of Yuvutu don’t sort this out soon I will refuse to post any more of my homemade vids on Yuvutu.. this really takes the fun out of things..
There are heaps of porn sights out there for people to watch porn clips… but if you really wont to make this the Youtube of homemade porn.. then you best sort this out quick.. or this shit will start coming down!

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Message Rating 
The rating issue has already been addressed. People can only rate videos once. There are ways around it, but these are time consuming and should deter if the most vain person from trying to bump up their score.

We don't want uploaders to stop posting videos so endeavor to keep improving the site. What videos have you uploaded? you posted your comment as a guest.

Thanks for the threatening language BTW. LOL

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Well I would prefer to stay anonymous …
But have posted a few vides that have bean on hottest first page for a while..
This site is great! Don’t get me wrong.. but when you take the time out of your day to record and edit to make a vid especially for Yuvutu… and getting no money… you kinda do it for the thrill… but its boring that some people are taking advantage of the voting system.. if this issue has bean addressed before.. then I guess it hasn’t bean solved…
And its ruining a great sight..

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Message Please be more specific 
If you think the problem has not been solved. Then please be more specific. Please write to admin using the "feedback" link explaining how in your view people are bumping up the score.

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Dude you remind me of the same anon people that post crap comments and don't even have the courage to post there own stuff. I agree the voters should be the ones to decide and if you notice I'm signed in and have actually posted. So become a member, let us vote on you then maybe , MAYBE someone on here will be interested in what you have to say, until next time CHEERS!

Honestly I am not even sure why I replied other than I don't understand why you're hassling the admins when you're not even a member.

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jollyroger77414 a écrit:
Dude you remind me of the same anon people that post crap comments and don't even have the courage to post there own stuff. I agree the voters should be the ones to decide and if you notice I'm signed in and have actually posted. So become a member, let us vote on you then maybe , MAYBE someone on here will be interested in what you have to say, until next time CHEERS!

Honestly I am not even sure why I replied other than I don't understand why you're hassling the admins when you're not even a member.

If yopu would have taken some time to actually read my post the nyou would know that I am a member...

and Admin you know damn well that you can get around the voting system.. any way.. I really cant be fucked! but Im not gona post no more vides eather.. 2 on the hottest for X amoutn of weeks is good enough for me.. I had my thrill.. and now im over it! ...keep loving and keep fucking!

Peace out!

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I posted a vid. It had 5 stars for a while....next day lots of views but 1 or 2 stars. I refreshed screen a few times and saw the view counter go up by a large amount every few seconds and the rating go down!

lol some people can be so jealous!

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