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Self-Facial Videos
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Message Self-Facial Videos 
Lately, I have found myself addicted to cumming on my face. I have recently start videoing it and posting so my wife can view them at work. Being a large corporate office environment, she has made friends with a couple of "kinkier" people, men and women, and has told me that she has shown these videos to them. I guess the exhibitionist in me get wildly turned on by the idea of her watching these with her friends. It is hot knowing, when I am around these ladies, that they know my little fetish. I hope someday she will make me perform for her friends. Check them out and leave a comment so I know what you think.


I will be glad to take suggestions on how to make them hotter.

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Message lmao 
lol ya ok sure buddy she shows them to her coworkers at the office .lmao

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