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Just a suggest...
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Message Just a suggest... 
in chat .... the question is often asked "have you videos or photos here?"

i wondering if it is possible to know if a member have videos or photos or both in chat ?
a kind of identification ..for example:
GLORYHOLE14* <---- this member have videos
GLORYHOLE14** <---- this member have videos and photos ...
or an identification by colour.....or something like that?

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Nice Idea...but it is part of a conversation... it is after all a 'chat' room.

Just my 2 pennies worth.

Jelly xx

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complete my suggestion ..... people want to " visual " in chat , lot of pressuring for that womens go on cam ..and this is a biggest part of chat .... its why a kind of icon who indicate if a chatter have videos or photos seems to be nice for a chat more enjoyable (maybe?)

:wink: :wink:

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i think it is quite a cool idea, but i agree with jelly and think that it is all part of the chat, and people would still ask anyway regardless of what icons or colours were there! also if its clearly displayed that someone doesnt have a vid or pics, it may deter people from checking out profiles, which now with the new layouts and everything kind of defeats the object of having that feature.

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JellyBrenda a écrit:
Nice Idea...but it is part of a conversation... it is after all a 'chat' room.

Just my 2 pennies worth.

Jelly xx

I agree with Jelly & Jamie. It's a nice idea.. but questions such as "do you have a cam" or "do you have videos" and so forth is a conversation starter. It's a way to make friends. Gotta chat it up in a chat room. Razz There is a bit of pressure for women to get on cam, but as an adult. you can say NO, I don't have to get on cam, etc. A moderator.. can step in and help that person out if they're constantly being harrassed.

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Dernière édition par dilligaf le 2008-10-07 06:08:58; édité 1 fois

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