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what about the IM in Friends list?
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Message what about the IM in Friends list? 
Hi - I try to use the IM 123webmessenger in the friendlist.. Thothing happens - Only the message: waiting xyz's response
and then no connection.

what schould i do?

greez fromAlex

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Alex, you need to be a paid subscriber to IM from the who's online friends list Smile

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Message same 
i get the same thing and i am a full subscriber, maybe the person has im's blocked?

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I had the same issue when i was a paid subscriber. never worked on ie, firefox & safari. Its a pity that there are so many bugs in this site. Thats why im not a subscriber anymore :(

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I had the same issue when i was a paid subscriber. never worked on ie, firefox & safari. Its a pity that there are so many bugs in this site. Thats why im not a subscriber anymore :(

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