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thank you to MOD's
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Message thank you to MOD's 
I would like to send out a thanks to Glory-Fr and another to Delirius. Last night we had a issue with directing and just asked Glory to come and show a lil muscle lol was great it stopped and on another occasion Delirius was asked to come and help out and was fixed that quick !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Nice to know when no mods are in the english non directing room that even if not a english mod they do care and help. Thank you guys bigggz huggggz :)


I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Thanks Sax! Very Happy

Always a pleasure to help other rooms, when the french room isn't busy.

I suggest you to use block/ignore buttons if there's no mod(s) around ... Wink

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Yes, m8 i just iggy but alot of people tend to get tired of it and do not iggy ................ so last resort find a Mod :) again ty :)

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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