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MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-04-25 12:40:14   Sujet: Sugestions

I would like to comment on the new rating system. Some people really can't tell the difference between a hardcore clip and a extreme clip. There are to many vids going in the wrong place in my opinion ...
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-04-18 11:17:40   Sujet: Saving favorites

MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-04-18 11:16:52   Sujet: whats with the quicktime balony

WM would rock i hate this vid player.
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-04-18 11:14:30   Sujet: DOWNLOADS!!

The download idea is great.
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-04-18 11:08:10   Sujet: This site is fantastic!

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