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MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-09-13 13:54:02   Sujet: Re: peedee is right

Just a couple of points - does that mean people who just post pro videos which undoubtedly get viewed more than say cockshot videos will have more chance of reaching the 100,000 figure? Similarly ...
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-06-22 17:03:15   Sujet: full screen and original size

full screen doesn't work for me either.

didn't want to start another thread so i'll use this one if thats okay.

aswell as the full screen feature, would it be possible to have a "reduced screen" ...
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-04-26 16:40:50   Sujet: DOWNLOADS!!

I think downloads is a notoriously BAD idea.

A lot of people will save the videos and end up posting them somewhere the the original poster wouldnt want them or without there permission. These arn ...
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-04-26 16:39:09   Sujet: DOWNLOADS!!

sorry, posted twice
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2007-04-20 19:33:34   Sujet: Video search options

I believe you can view the 'hottest' and 'most viewed' videos........anyone think a 'most comments' option would be a good addition? pls post ur comments, cheers
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