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MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2010-04-25 11:27:31   Sujet: Men fucking fruit...

Loved the watermelon one! Wow. Keep 'em cummin'.
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2010-04-24 19:06:42   Sujet: Mutual Masturbation Forum

I'd like to see a forum of videos of women masturbating other women or of men masturbating other men. Or even just women masturbating together with women or men with men.
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2010-04-24 19:02:56   Sujet: Men fucking fruit...

We've all seen women being fucked by fruit now let's see men fucking fruit. I'd love to see a guy fuck a pumpkin for instance. Any one there willing?
MessageForum: English   Posté le: 2008-01-20 22:06:13   Sujet: Guys jackin' guys

I'm str8 but watching guys jackin' guys (not suckin' or fuckin' but JUST jackin') is a real turn on for me. There are precious few of this type on yuvutv. I hope to encourage some of you to get your b ...
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