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MessageForum: English   Posté le: 2009-05-14 19:37:28   Sujet: looking for a woman!!!

wow, talk about censorship. unbelievable!!! Shocked
MessageForum: English   Posté le: 2009-05-14 05:22:35   Sujet: looking for a woman!!!

wow! where to start. the bike ain't mine the flag pic was taken by my ***** from my first wife when I was starting my pro wrestling career that my new wife made me quit because she is very jealous and ...
MessageForum: English   Posté le: 2009-05-11 13:25:45   Sujet: looking for a woman!!!

ok so I used a bad word lol, well I don't talk to her like that, it was a joke. second even when we had sex it was the most boring thing you ever saw. I'm just at the end of my rope with this.
MessageForum: English   Posté le: 2009-05-10 04:37:50   Sujet: looking for a woman!!!

I'm new here and love the site. I been married for 11 years to a woman who just never wants to have sex. I can't take it anymore so I'm looking for woman in Tennessee to fill the void in my life. any ...
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