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MessageForum: What do you need to know?   Posté le: 2011-05-18 02:40:38   Sujet: my first time trying anal sex and I need help.

there are things you can do to make it easier there, plenty of lubrication there is an ointment called analease that will numb it slightly for you make sure you have a bowel movement several hours bef ...
MessageForum: What do you need to know?   Posté le: 2011-05-18 02:35:39   Sujet: my first time trying anal sex and I need help.

No it is not like losing your virginity and it can hurt everytime.
MessageForum: What do you need to know?   Posté le: 2011-05-18 02:34:35   Sujet: my first time trying anal sex and I need help.

I can hurt. especially if your nervous about it.
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