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MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2010-02-03 18:53:26   Sujet: Stolen Vids

Having read Admin's post here, I would like to say that I was given help from them when my vids were stolen and yes, when I say that I wont post anything on here again, I mean that I wont post anywhe ...
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2010-01-29 19:21:41   Sujet: Limiting who can see vids

I have to say once again that I agree completely with OC. I remember well how I felt when I was made aware that my vids were on numerous other sites, it caused me to withdraw them all and to feel abso ...
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2010-01-08 16:41:58   Sujet: Limiting access to vids

I agree completely OC, having, like yourself had that problem there is no way I would even put a pic up in here, I know, because they told me, that people have even taken my sunset pic, so what would ...
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2009-12-18 16:08:25   Sujet: My vids

Ok then, I am sure that I loves ya, very sure mwah xxxxxxxxxx
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2009-12-18 14:02:06   Sujet: My vids

I have to say, I do think that perhaps, you may all be mad, but I loves ya xxxxxxxxxxx
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2009-12-17 18:05:34   Sujet: My vids

Mulch, as you may have seen by the tone of my post, my vids are nowhere these days.
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2008-12-12 18:27:25   Sujet: watermarks

I watermark all my vids and it hasnt stopped them being put on other sites, also, the one that I actually looked at on another site, had no watermark, are there now ways to remove them?
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2008-12-06 21:14:16   Sujet: Help

LOL Bellies, very constructive, it was nothing to do with me mid.
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2008-12-03 18:50:29   Sujet: Customise your profile page

Thanks sweety mwahhhh I wonder why I dont see it when i just go there by the mebers tab though.
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2008-12-01 09:06:21   Sujet: new yuvu for dummies

Thank you so much Jamie, but have tried that one that a few times already, hence my confusion, but, being a good sport lol, I will try it again.
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2008-11-28 19:32:29   Sujet: Customise your profile page

I have changed my page, butit doesnt stay that way, most of what has been said here, doesnt make much sense to me lol. Could I please have the 'how to change your page and upload photos for dummies' m ...
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2008-07-17 14:34:50   Sujet: Vids appearing on other sites

This is the main reason i have deleted all my vids, I am too scared to go and see if my vids are in any of these places, I'll ask OC to check lol.

I always watermark my vids, does this mean they wo ...
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2008-07-14 18:04:06   Sujet: I am not having much fun anymore

I agree with Yoda, the rooms are no longer fun and enjoyable. Also, after hearing some things about vids being posted on other websites, I am seriously considering deleting mine.

I know that it has ...
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2008-07-07 15:48:57   Sujet: are we still having fun?

I agree with that Kyxtian, there doesn't seem to be a good way of dealing with these people at all. If anything made me vote for hit and miss, it was probably the troll issue, it ruins conversation in ...
MessageForum: Feedback & Help   Posté le: 2008-03-25 18:16:47   Sujet: online status

I love the site, just one complaint, when I have asked for my online status to be hidden, it isn't. I'm just trying to avoid being pm'ed ever time I'm here.
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