5 résultats trouvés
Auteur Message
MessageForum: English   Posté le: 2018-06-14 12:19:28   Sujet: Denver next week

going to Denver and will be in a large apartment all alone.....anyone want to join me?
MessageForum: English   Posté le: 2014-08-24 12:57:36   Sujet: masturbation club

hi, I am interested and will be in Denver this week. Let me know!
MessageForum: English   Posté le: 2012-05-11 12:54:04   Sujet: Wank Buddy Wanted

MessageForum: What do you need to know?   Posté le: 2012-05-11 12:30:24   Sujet: Have you ever seen another man's erection in real life?

not in real life, but would like to. I'll be traveling next week so maybe I'll have the chance to?
MessageForum: Announcements   Posté le: 2012-01-16 23:20:29   Sujet: 101 things to do while chat is down

lmao that's exactly what I've been doing dammit!
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