4 résultats trouvés
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MessageForum: What do you need to know?   Posté le: 2009-01-17 16:07:19   Sujet: HR movies?

The admin guys have talked about this. Search for "Post High Resolution Videos". They'll let you post 640x480 res. This really doesn't mean HR, but highER res. You probably have to re-render your H ...
MessageForum: What do you need to know?   Posté le: 2009-01-17 15:54:22   Sujet: Sony night vision

Hey excellent suggestions! I get in trouble if I take to long with the technical stuff, if you know what I mean. My newest favorite gadget is my sony night vision. It has an IR light that makes fil ...
MessageForum: What do you need to know?   Posté le: 2009-01-17 15:49:42   Sujet: Optics, resolution, media

To me optics is primary. If the lense is trash, the video is too. Then the higher the resolution you can shoot the better, you can always render down. To me, media is important. I don't like a bun ...
MessageForum: What do you need to know?   Posté le: 2009-01-17 15:39:54   Sujet: Blurring portions of the screen

I can do this in Premiere CS4 (maybe in CS3, too), but don't know if elements has all the right components. Short answer: animate a title. Send me an email and I'll shoot you a link. drmike1958@ya ...
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