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About five years ago I was in a sexless relationship married for 25yrs and anytime I needed a fuck I had to beg and then told to ''hurry up and cum fast''. By accident I discovered YU and began to view vids and comment on them as I wanked to my hearts content. Then one night changed my life forever. An Irish lady sent me a PM saying how much she enjoyed my comments as they coincided with her line of thought. She was also married with 3 grownup family and a husband who was uninterested in fucking her. Following a few weeks of chat online we decided to meet in a city hotel for a weekend and just get to know each other...no pressure and separate rooms at my suggestion to put her at ease. After a meal and some wine we went for walkabout in city and held hands (did I feel like a t**n again?). We were both turned on at this stage so retired to her room and I will spare the details suffice to see we fucked till we were both exhausted and no holes barred.
From there on and with much soul-searching within a month we had both left our partners and moved in together. Looking back it was a crazy risk to take but thankfully five years later we are still together and still sucking and fucking as we did on our first date. Showing on cam is her big turn on whilst I get turned on seeing guys with big cocks cumming for her.
We often talk about the craziness of it all and wonder if there is anyone else on this great site had similar experience.

T & M

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Message awww 
I love stories with happy endings. I am glad you found each other ~~ was meant to be

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