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Message Friends 
[b]IM's tend to cause cammers to have problems in the room... Since only friends can send an IM, it may improve life in the rooms if, instead of automatically becoming a friend when clickinb on "Add Friend"... If that button sent a request to be added to the friends list...Then.. at their convenience the cammer can review the requests and accept those they want on their friends list... Bottom line... We wnat cammers to be able to show, without freezing...I think this would help...


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Just to echo my learned friends comments...it would also stop some of our more popular members having to go through their frineds list every day and delete people who've just added themselves without asking or being invited. Perhaps an automatic message along the lines of "xxxx has requested to be added to your friends list. allow/block". Or something like that!

Don\'t know the answer...just say \"nasal sex\"
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Message Try this 
First of all instead of deleting unwanted friends, you should "block" them. That will get rid of them forever. (go to "members"/"friends").

You can block receiving all IMs, by going to "your account"/"site settings" and click "yes" for "Hide your online status".

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Understood...but a couple of problems:

1) What about IMs that you want to receive from geniuine friends? Blocking all of them makes the facility redundant.
2) Blocking members is all well and good, but a lot of the idiots just re-register with new user names so you still have to check daily!

Love the site, though...keep it up!

Don\'t know the answer...just say \"nasal sex\"
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Dear Admin,

We always keep our online status hidden through the site settings, yet still receive consistent instant message requests when we're in the chatroom (which causes the aforementioned webcam trouble). Unfortunately, it seems the "hide online status" utility isn't terribly reliable to prevent unwanted instant messages.


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Yeah, this doesn't stop unwanted friends from adding you in the first place. There needs to be a policy of gaining permission from those you want to add to your friends list.

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Message IMs 
Well I don´t like to get IMs because it freezes my computer... And this thing whit adding friends, It shuld bee an eazyer way to delete "friends" that just added you whitout asking, like it´s in your private messages where you just can klick on what you want to delete...

But please keep up the good work that you do Wink

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Message friend adds and IM's 
Something really does need to be done about the friends thing.....it is people adding me without permission that has made me the most popular member on site.
I have given up the fight of trying to delete all those who have added me without asking permission as there isn't a multiple delete feature and doing them one at a time is frustrating and time consuming.

I also have my status set to appear offline and still get IM's whilst in chat,this could be fixed by having a feature where you have to approve people adding you as a 'friend'

I find it frustrating that my 'whos online' page is full of random people i don't know.

Hoping you will listen and respond quickly on this issue,keep up the good work... Jelly..xx

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Message we hear you 
We will do something about this but it wont be that quick.

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Thankyou Admin..x

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