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Approve .mov clips to upload!!!
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Message Approve .mov clips to upload!!! 
I only have .mov clips of me jacking off and shooting lots of cum I would like for cum-loving ladies to view, but hmmm... No can do with yu vu tu!!!! lol Just please allow .mov clips to be uploaded. I hope I have some support from others. This is my ONLY complaint. Besides this the site is off the damn chain....

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You can easily convert your files to wmv or mpg. Just search google for free a video converter.

We will eventually allow .mov but probably not till February.

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Any word on MP4 support? Lots of inexpensive cameras are getting out there now with MP4 support, would be nice if Yuvutu was as "plug and play" friendly if you know what I mean.

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it's on our to do list.

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admin a écrit:
it's on our to do list.

For me there's only one codec and that's x264
and one container for it, which is mkv, or mp4, either is fine.

wmv is like the worst quality codec out there regarding size:quality ratio.

And as I wrote earlier, I'd like to upload my own FLV. That way it can be in 448x336 resolution, instead of the dreaded 320x240, at the same bitrate!

Dernière édition par smartinsanity le 2008-03-11 17:39:03; édité 1 fois
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Unfortunately, until Adobe releases a version of Flash that will play .mov (and other media types), that restriction is going to remain in place.

Until then, I highly recommend SUPER(c) from eRightSoft:

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Smartinsanity, it is not "2 years later" you have confused my "joined date" with the posting date. It is less than 3 months later which I admit is slow, but we still intend to do it.

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Yes, I noticed that too.

Either way, I find myself in a strange situation;

I have video I would like to upload, but you don't really tell me any actual info about the format it can be in. I want it to look as good as possible. So, can I create x264 coded avi or have you never had one uploaded before? And with what type of audio? Do you accept Nero aac?

My uploads will always be maxing out the 100 MB limit, because I will do a multipass encode to fit that size. So: Is the 100 MB actually
1) As a measure of computer processor storage and real and virtual memory, a megabyte (abbreviated MB) is 2 to the 20th power bytes, or 1,048,576 bytes in decimal notation.
2) According to the IBM Dictionary of Computing, when used to describe disk storage capacity and transmission rates, a megabyte is 1,000,000 bytes in decimal notation.

Which is it? I assume the first one, so it is actually 104 Megabytes in, for example, TotalCommander
And do you include the last bit, or is exactly 100 MB too large?

Dernière édition par smartinsanity le 2008-03-11 18:04:01; édité 2 fois
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kyxtian a écrit:
Unfortunately, until Adobe releases a version of Flash that will play .mov (and other media types), that restriction is going to remain in place.
Actually, Flash 9 plays mp4 and mov just fine.

And I don't know about you, but most people I know already use Flash 9 r 115. In fact, Google video is using the x264 codec for its content. Which is MPEG4, basically.

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Message 100 vs 104 
I think it is 100.

Just try uploading the video to see if it works.

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