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how do you?
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Message how do you? 
i dont have a webcam but would like to watch and chat to others that do.are there ways of doing this without having to register on a site and have a username.if so am into mature women and couples but am open minded to mature guys.any help please i am not too good with computers

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Message Re: how do you? 
[quote="yakyakyak"]i dont have a webcam but would like to watch and chat to others that do.are there ways of doing this without having to register on a site and have a username.if so am into mature women and couples but am open minded to mature guys.any help please i am not too good with computers[/quote]

Well, it looks like you already have a username! Just come on into the chat room and see who's there! Once you're there, if there's anything you want to know, just ask ... someone will help you. And you can still watch other people's cams even if you don't have one yourself.

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Message question 

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Message Re: question 

The Lobby rooms are automatically created as rooms get full, there is a limit of 40 users per room. If Lobby 1 is full then Lobby 2 is created, if Lobby 2 is full then Lobby 3 is created. Once everybody leaves a room it deletes itself.

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