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talking and fucking
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Message talking and fucking 
Why doesnt anyone post vids of themselves or GFs talking during sex I love it when people talk while theyre cumming. Anyine else?

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Message vocalization during sex 
This is why ladies like Midagehottie are extremley hot. Its a Fucking crying shame that some scum sucking shit bag stole her vids off this site and posted them else where. End result she pulled all her vids and her fans suffer. She was not alone in this and it happens to many and often. Some dont care but others do and the YUVUTU community looses out becuase off the actions of a couple of flaming fucking assholes
Love ya Hottie

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Message Thanks Shaggy 
I appreciate your comments and wish things hadn't worked out the way that they did. Some people don't seem to mind being posted all over the net, but to me it was disturbing and the fact that it is so easy to do makes it even worse.


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