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Get Well Soon Sax!!!!
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hey saxon, you always greet me the moment i come in chat and i guess i didnt realize how much i like that till you weren't around to do it. im gonna keep praying for a speedy recovery. we miss you.

lori anne

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Awww Hurry up and get back in the saddle brah!

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Message :) 
I'm sending a very deep heart felt thank you to my friends in yuvu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you really are the best!!!!! From day one getting home and seeing all the knees to this post your all really good people and i love ya very much, I guess it just goes to show's you never know where you will find good friends. I wish you all the best in your real lives and all that you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care and be safe. I'm slowly working my way back in around all going on here :)

Tattin, Lisa extra special thank you to you two!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya both more than you will ever know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that once in everyones life they find that one person who means the most to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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Well it sounds like your better now..

Get me a beer :lol:

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make that three beers

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Message Re: :) 
saxon a écrit:
I'm sending a very deep heart felt thank you to my friends in yuvu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you really are the best!!!!! From day one getting home and seeing all the knees to this post your all really good people and i love ya very much, I guess it just goes to show's you never know where you will find good friends. I wish you all the best in your real lives and all that you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care and be safe. I'm slowly working my way back in around all going on here :)

Tattin, Lisa extra special thank you to you two!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya both more than you will ever know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well it sounds like your better now..

Get me a beer :lol:


make that three beers

hey my friend .. no big deal .. believe me .. and .. i need to say .. it was jennys idea .. but , never mind .. we had a lot of fun to make this pics .. and i need to say thx a lot to admin that he have post the pics so fast .. and saxin , m8in .. i love you too my friend .. someday i will sitting in your bar there .. make that .. 4 beer .. lol

All the ways of my life
I´d rather be with you .
There´s no way
Without you
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Message better, i hope 
Hey sax,
As i dont get into yuvu too much, i didnt know that you got hurt. hope your well on your way to all better
my thoughts are with ya.

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