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Message Quality 
After 1 month, I am willing to post this topic. I stumbled onto this site and found it interesting, Now, it's hardly worth my time. You get people from a country that have never seen much porn before and they rate a video as if they all were the greatest they've ever seen (probably is). Their actually is NO quality here, If people assume a mobile phone camera is ok, then that soon becomes the accepted HIGH quality device. As for length of video's? Why is it that here and only here, are almost every video around 1 minute long? Please people,, I know this site has to make money, but their are other free sites and the movie length uploaded to those other sites are usually what a person who wish's their amateur video's that are being seen as a real video are 10+ minute's long. Then lets also mention the type of video's uploaded... I've seen so many professional porn video's cut and uploaded as coming from amateur's, you can shake a stick at them.

Well, I like porn or I wouldn't have been here, but now about a month later, this novility has worn off, and this might be the low spot on my list. Qualitty IS determined by the site. what is allowed... You've dumbed yourself down to the lowest common net trash and it shows.. Oh 1 last thing,, I can be the first to rate a video, "I" give it 1 star and the result shows as 1.5, Now that is a deflect made possible only by the site. Again a glaring example of trying to mask trash as better that the real world views it. this place is just not worth my time any more, sorry, truth usually hurts.

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Message Constructive 
Thanks for the constructive criticism, we appreciate it.

Regarding the rating, it seems you have identified a bug we are not aware of and we will rectify it.

As for you 10 minute plus videos comment: the mix of videos available represents those that have been uploaded by the public. We reject videos if we think they are inappropriate or breach copyright but not because they are too long. Although many people do prefer 10+ minute long videos, analysis of viewing patterns indicate that the longer the video, the less likely a person will watch it to the end. People seem to prefer shorter clips with 2 minutes seeming to be the optimal length.

It is a pity that the novelty has worn off for you and that you are no longer interested in the site, but we welcome the feedback and will continue to work hard to improve the site.

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Message If these comments help, Good 

Thanks for a quick reply. That shows your concerned about the job, your doing. Kudos to that. I have a question as to how you can tell the amount of time, I spend viewing a file. Here is 'My' real world experience. I have a high speed DSL line. I can see the video load very very quickly while I start viewing it. Usually at the beginning of a video, my personal taste can tell if I'm still interested in viewing it much longer, IE, it's just another cock with lips surrounding it, it's a dildo sticking out, etc. To give the Author 1 last chance, I may click on the time bar at 1/3 and 2/3 way thru, perhaps almost at the end. Now I've spent about 15 seconds total time, viewing a 2 min file.

I would imagine that all your report can show, is that I downloaded the file in it's totality. Not that I hit at different places in that file, or that I even went almost back to the beginning, to review it once more. I even suspect if I hit the play button again, without leaving that page, you can't tell that I'm watching it one more time, because the file has downloaded to my hard drive, and I'm just replaying it.

Re-post's,, at least it's nice that you can see each up-loaders files under their name. BUT I'm now watching the same files 2 weeks later from a different up-loader's nickname. What's up with that? then you also have almost the same identical file uploaded with 5 different names. From the same person. these examples are all within these dates of May 6-7, 2007. and the file that's shown twice by 2 different names is an anal with run time of over 10+ min. - that is less than 2 weeks from the first posting.

I know it's hard to police the site on all these problems. the saving grace is that your NOT rewarding these up-loader's. then you'd just be spammed with needless garbage. Your unique, keep it that way. you can't tell people what you want, but perhaps we as users, can have the tools to direct peer pressure to demand better quality from people. All we have not is view numbers, comments and a rating system. I know MSNBC used a rating system that each star could be clicked l/r side for a half rating. like I just gave that file a .5 star.

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Message more answers 
We cannot tell if you have fast forwarded through the video. We can tell if the video was played to the end and that is what we measure (whether you got there by fast forwarding or not). We do not record whether it was completely downloaded or not.

Repeat uploading is a problem and we do try to tackle it. Because we tackle it, people use a different nickname hoping to get around that. It isn't in the interest of the uploader to create a new account because they lose or dilute their track record.

Many repeats do get through the net, but I can assure you we also block a lot more. Viewers can help by writing a comment for the video complaining that the video is a repeat.

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Message More Clarifaction please 
Honestly.I find it very hard to believe you can tell what I viewed. just that the total file was shipped to me.

A few weeks have now gone by, and your rating bug still seems to be active, ie a 2 star rating shows up as a 3.5 for a first time rating.

IF i was to not let the file play to the end, then no view number would register.

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Message More clarification 
Let me clarify, we do not know what portions of a video you have watched or if you have watched the entire thing. We do record if the video was played at the very end. If you fast forwarded the video right to the end minus one second and let it play the last second then our system will register that as a complete play. This is not rocket science from a technical point of view.

12 days have passed since you first complained about the scoring and we have yet to fix it. It is on our "to do" list.

The "number of views" is different from the "completely viewed" feature mentioned above. The "number of views" is a measure of initiated views. Now that you have brought it up, perhaps we will switch it to "complete views".

Are you looking for a job as a beta tester?

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Message Re: More clarification 
Are you looking for a job as a beta tester?[/quote]

Wasn't actually even thinking towards those lines, but:

Sure why not, the last time I did it, my livelyhood depended on the software, and I ran mostly beta software just a little alpha for a friend too. that was buggy as hell. I would kick myself in the ass for doing it, but I had to have the latest and greatest, so if it was buggy, I usually found out shortly.

I can't see where I would be testing any software other than viewing your web site. But if you need help, sure. Shoot me an email, and we'll go from their. I've nothing to lose, but if I can help you, sure.

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Message 1st. Report 
Failed sending email :: PHP ::


Line : 279
File : emailer.php

:) I get this reply each time I send you a post in this thread.

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Message Too much BULLSHIT 
IE: Professional porn
Get just ONE person to review these videos. You have too many people posting the same videos within weeks, declaring it to be theirs. And you still have professional videos, posing as amateur.

The last time I tried to flag a video, it wanted to know my email address. That has nothing to do, with notifying you. and it caused me to say fuck it.

2007-05-30 09:27:39

ONE person
The workload is too big to give to one person: 1. you would be surprised how many videos we reject 2. it is too much porn for one person to handle.

We do our best rejecting reposts. Often the uploader claims they have slightly edited their video and wanted it updated.

The pro videos, we push to the pro channel. If a mistake is done it usually gets corrected within 24 hours as a result of one of the moderators spotting it or someone flagging it.

The email address is required because if you are flagging a video for being inaprorpiate or a breach of copyright we can report to you what we have done about it. (If you want to be anonymous, you dont have to give your email address)

2007-05-30 11:08:27

(If you want to be anonymous, you dont have to give your email address)


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Message It's all BULLSHIT 
For first base, this is the place to start. Get yourself promoted on normal web sites.. then once people understand and start viewing amateur video's from here, they will move on to, oh say..................... http://www.youramateurporn.com/ and http://www.pornoamateurs.be/ and lest we mention http://xxxmsncam.com/.

You know a person TRIES to be nice, tries to be civil and give direction,

The when someone is stuck in a tunnel and refuses to see the light of day..

All we can do is LAUGH and say, "Well, when they were UP, i tried to tell them, but they had all kinds of exxcusesssss.

What this means is. were NOT waiting for next year, either do it now, or you'll soon be history, last week.

Get it together, call a conference and say it's about toast. we got to get to the top or bi-bye"

Honestly,, why do you have to reply to me?,, I'm just one of the little people that come here,, I mean nothing,, I'm the cog in the wheel, ------ I'm also the one that has been thru this before and knows from where I speak.

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Message Just what is really up with you guys? 
Everyday, you get this spammer :

Anonymous on Jun 11, 2007 15:42:03pm

this is my EX this Bitch! www.mein-privat-home.de.ki

Yet you post this in the header :

5th June 2007: WARNING "http://www.mein-privat-home.de.ki" do not visit this site it contains malware. We are doing our utmost to block the spammer behind this site

Then, Whoever approves the video's allows a title like this to appear in the Amateur section, actually main page:

jibstar: Three of the hottest pornstars get it on with a lucky man and his big giant cock
Really, Your the ones reviewing these video's and allowing them to GET posted. Obviously you must also know where they end up. Visitors shouldn't have to notify you that it's not in the appropriate category.

As for trying to STOP the spammer, the only sure way is to make anyone that wants to comment have a registered account here.

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Message Re: Too much BULLSHIT 
[quote="Critic"]IE: Professional porn

The last time I tried to flag a video, it wanted to know my email address. That has nothing to do, with notifying you. and it caused me to say fuck it.

2007-05-30 09:27:39


The pro videos, we push to the pro channel. If a mistake is done it usually gets corrected within 24 hours as a result of one of the moderators spotting it or someone flagging it.

The email address is required because if you are flagging a video for being inappropriate or a breach of copyright we can report to you what we have done about it. (If you want to be anonymous, you don't have to give your email address)

2007-05-30 11:08:27

(If you want to be anonymous, you dont have to give your email address)



I just tried to FLAG a video as professional and in an inappropriate location and i HAD to enter an email address to send the notification. That's totally asinine. My Guess then, is that you get very few notifications about that problem. Remove the email address requirement from the person trying to notify you about a problem.

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Message Shut up already!! 
You know critic there is an old saying that says "It's the empty can that rattles the most"
You had a complaint and thats fine The administrator has addressed your concerns why must you keep on and on
When in the end you've said little of nothing.
I too run a web site that is nowhere near as big as this one is and I can tell you that it really is a full time job.
Why don't you cut the guy some slack and enjoy the videos without whining about trivial bullshit?

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Message thanks widowmaker 
you have summed up the situation well.

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